This page provides a bit of a braindump on the Kubernetes setup.
There is (currently) one master node on Blanton, one worker on Blanton, and one on Landin.
General Notes
I did try doing something with docker-compose, but the networking got unwealdy fast, and I realised I was about to create something not unlike Kubernetes but badly in a bunch of scripts! A big sticking point of what took so long to get this working was the dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 support needed to fit into the rest of the hackspace environment,
A few quick notes:
- Networking is provided by Calico
- LoadBalancer requests are serviced by metallb
- If you want both IPv4 and IPv6 you will need to create two LoadBalancer instances pointing to the same service
- nginx-ingress is configured to support HTTP/HTTPS services
- cert-manager is configured to issue LetsEncrypt certificates automatically, assuming DNS entries are already in place (as would be needed for a regular VM wanting a cert)
- Mark your ingress with the annotation "letsencrypt-prod"
- there's a single-node glusterfs "cluster" providing storage
- While it's all currently on Blanton, if there was another box (or ideally two) available, it would be possible to make this much more resilient
- It's running a bleeding edge version of cert-issuer and ingress-nginx because I updated to 1.22 before things were ready :-)
MetalLB is configured to allocate IP addresses in the ranges and 2a00:1d40:1843:182:f000::/68 - it uses layer 2 ARP to advertise these on the LAN.
Gaining access to the cluster currently requires a certificate, which is a huge pain in the rear end so I'm working on LDAP auth. I'm getting really close with this (it works but isn't the nicest to use yet)
Instructions Braindump
Adding a node
Kubernetes mostly requires a basic OS install, but there are a few steps you need to make sure you do correctly.
A key point here is that until recently, Kubernetes didn’t support nodes with swap enabled. These instructions therefore do not have swap. (I’m still not entirely convinced it’s a good idea!)
- Install latest Debian on a VM (without swap) with SSH and standard system utilities
- Stick your SSH key into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and /home/<you>/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Add to the lhs-hosts section of Ansible (all nodes starting with kube-* get some basic kubernetes requirements installed) and deploy to it
- On the master, run
kubeadm token create
to get a token - On the master run to get the cert hash:
- openssl x509 -pubkey -in /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt | openssl rsa -pubin -outform der 2>/dev/null | \
- openssl dgst -sha256 -hex | sed 's/^.* //'
- On the new node, run
kubeadm join --token <token> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash>
Draining a node for mantainence
It's a good idea to shift work off a node when you're about do to anything to it (upgrade, reboot, e.t.c)
- run
kubectl drain <node> --ignore-daemonsets
when you're done with the maintainence:
- run
kubectl uncordon <node>
You might want to delete some pods that are running on remaining nodes so they get restarted more evenly spread across the nodes. Alternatively, you might want to just wait for usual updates and stuff to restart pods
Removing a node
- Drain the node
kubectl drain <node>
- Delete the node record from Kubernetes
kubectl delete node <node>
- Probably delete the VM or something - it's done now
Upgrading Kubernetes
Full instructions here: [[1]]
It’s perhaps worth ignoring the 1.x.0 releases, since experience suggests things like metallb and callico might not yet support it in a stable version, which is a recipe for pain.
- On the master node, run
apt-cache madison kubeadm
to find a version to update to - On the master node, run:
apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm=<your-chosen-version>
kubeadm upgrade plan
sudo kubeadm upgrade apply v<your-chosen-version>
apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubelet=<your-chosen-version> kubectl=<your-chosen-version>
On each node:
- Drain the node
- Run:
apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm=<your-chosen-version>
sudo kubeadm upgrade node
apt-get install -y --allow-change-held-packages kubelet=<your-chosen-version> kubectl=<your-chosen-version>
- Uncordon node
Fixing Screwups
Re-adding a node you removed by mistake
If you accidentaly run
kubectl delete node <node>
when you didn't mean to, don't panic - the workload should be shifted automatically to
a remaining node. here's how to re-add the one you just removed:
- Run
kubeadm reset
on the affected node - Run
kubeadm join
as if it was a new node