Organisation/2022 Trustees Election/Candidates
Patrick (Paddy) Duncan
I have been a Hackspace member for 11 years now and a Trustee for a substantial part of them, and have been heavily involved in both the practical and organisational aspects of the space, be it administration and organisational stuff, infrastructure maintenance etc., or tool maintenance and training. LHS has been an incredibly useful resource for me, both in terms of the material facilities and also the membership, many of whom have become good friends over the years; I have learned a lot, continue to do so, and like to exercise my obligation to reinvest my knowledge and experience gained both here and outside, back into the space and the community. The smooth running and continuation of the London Hackspace has always, and will remain dear to me, and I look forward to continuing the adventure with the current challenge of a new premises for the new year.
Liyang HU
A relative newcomer to LHS—although not to hackspaces—I seem to have thrown myself in at the deep end with its upkeep and organisation in the past six months.
Professionally I'm a software engineer with a maths & CS background, with interest in science & engineering. Initially I joined to get my hands greasy with metal machining; that soon expanded to a fair bit of woodworking. I'm also a somewhat-lapsed electronics hobbyist; I don't shy away from the odd bit of knitting or crafting either.
LHS is an amazing place, with our collection of otherwise-inaccessible resources. But the social aspects are equally important—it's always fascinating to see what other members are doing, helping whenever I can, while learning as much as I can. We have huge potential, and many enthusiastic members. As a trustee, I want to help focus that energy towards making a better space. Here's a sample of what I think we need:
• A formal induction to, and on-going reinforcement of the hackspace ethos; • Better equipment maintenance, and no-blame breakage reporting; • Reinvigorate a sense of community with regular events and updates; • Expand our outreach, and give new members a more welcoming and less confusing experience; • A more general and accessible science lab for hobbyists and learners.
We have clearly suffered in many aspects over the pandemic, along with the loss of our Wembley home. As we move to new premises, I look forward to continue supporting LHS, trustee or otherwise!