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No news for last week, because I forgot.


Last week we hoovered the floor, removed the recycling and had a general tidy up. The place looks very nice now.

Tim has provided a grinder and beans for the coffee machine, so we just need a fridge.

Solexious has started logging the webcam. You can watch the day so far and see archives at


The heated build platform for the MakerBot arrived, and it works! We've been printing like crazy since.

We've finally got some working PSUs, courtesy of Aden. We might get something running in that huge silver case for data-intensive stuff, like running the MakerBot.

We now have 5 reasonably comfortable chairs. Cheers to Solexious for picking them up.

New Space

As Somerset House will not be happening any time soon, we are looking for an alternative location in advance of Winter.

We've just reached £1000/month in subscriptions, but this is still not enough for a central location. A membership drive seems necessary.


There will be people in the space on Sunday. Come in, the water's lovely!

We're hoping to start workshops in the space next week. More information will appear on the mailing list.

A few of us went to the Hampstead Observatory last Saturday and saw Saturn, complete with rings. We highly recommend a visit before they close for Summer.

We may be planning a trip to the acoustic mirrors at Denge. More information on the mailing list.