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We're still debating the relative merits of "sell it all via an eBay auction" vs "allow members/people we know/anyone to purchase directly". This sums it up:

<Kal> I've put my name down on the wiki to buy some of the lcd screens, what sort of prices would be reasonable for a member like myself?
<martind> check ebay
<martind> we're mostly looking to make money for the space out of this
<martind> if we can save hassle by selling them directly that's good, but we don't want it to be massively cheaper than through an auction
<martind> if anything see it as an incentive for a donation :)

  • When a member buys an item on ebay, then advantages are: 1) the price is established in a transparent and fair way, 2) the member gets to leave feedback for londonhackspace ebay account, encouraging future bidders. Disadvantage: ebay fees. AndyE
  • Since many items are available in duplicate, another method is to sell one to set the price, then offer further examples at the same price to members (bypassing ebay).--Artag


2 matching ldc's (wide or standard)


I'd like one or more of of the USB drives please. Willing to bid 35 quid each for two - is that fair ?

Maybe a drive rack - interested in reliability so could be a 4x or 8x rack to make a TB of RAID. Don't much care about the performance so would choose a low end one if quieter or lower power. Maybe even that type with two spaces for IDE and some SATA cables.


1 x 1U server:

  • must have
    • 2 cores
    • NX bit support
    • VT bit support (hardware virtualisation)
    • sata
    • 1Gb of ram
    • mounting rails
  • would be nice to have
    • 4Gb + ram
    • plain sata interface (i.e. no pseudo raid or hardware raid)
    • serial console support in the bios or some other management thing.

The charity JasperWallace volunteers at (IOFC)

  • 5x or more lcd screens.
  • They don't yet know they want them, i need to ask.


  • 2x LCD's (haven't decided which yet, will have to come in and have a look)


  • SATA (or PATA if there are any) HDDs, at least two would be nice.
  • USB caddy for the above - are they being sold as external HDDs together? I'll just have that if its ok

(* LCDs if there are any returns)


has purchased server E3 on ebay. Will collect it from the space.