Classroom HackSpaceChallenge/Report/1

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Introduce your team (video would be a great way to do this), explain your hackerspace’s philosophy, and provide a top level summary of your first week


Testing, testing.... Is thing on? Ladies and Gentleman, let me welcome you to london hack space's (or london hackspace or perhaps londonhack space) global grand challenge project blog.

Let me introduce, myself, your blog writer for today, eb4890, aka Will.

It has been a busy week at london hackspace. We instituted the 24 hour rule on Tuesday, which meant that if 24 hours went by without any discussion of the project then the project with the most votes would be picked. The projects discussed in the following X hours were an Opensource Spectrometer, open source fun learner response devices and. We finally settled on X.

That accomplished we swiftly set about ordering components and doing some initial coding/designing. Follow us on github to see everything as it happens.

I had an interesting time trying to skype on my mobile phone to Mark and the crew from the States. Quite often I thought that R2D2 had hacked into the phone call and was not at all happy with me for some reason. After some conversation we ended up agreeing that email was far more reliable.

I note one of you has his hand and wants to ask a question. Go ahead. "What is our hackerspace's philosophy?" you ask. Well I'm glad you asked that question as I was struggling to come up with an un-contrived way to work this into a blog post. You really saved my bacon. Well our hackspace can been summed up with three sayings.

0) Don't be on fire.

This embodies our essential and fundamental philosophical belief that each individual human should strive not to combust in an oxygen rich atmosphere. The rules of thermodynamics are against us, but with care we have so far managed to maintain this rule. We have enshrined this philosophy as our hackspaces rule 0, showing the reverence that we hold this axiom.

1) Well volunteered.

We believe in self-empowerment and also spreading out power among our members. So whenever someone suggests a project or problem that needs fixing they become responsible for implementing it.

2) Let me show you this neat thing.

We enjoy sharing our knowledge and projects with other people, this extends to young hackdays.

That interlude out of the way, let us meet the team:

Bios or video bios go here.