Organisation/2018 Trustees Election/Candidates

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Simon Hewison


Hello Hackspace,

It’s been suggested to me that I’d make a good trustee, because I’ve been spending a fair bit of time in the space trying to get it up and running.

Why should anyone vote for me? i’m a strong believer that if you want anything property doing you should do it yourself .. except when you can do it with friends. .. because then you might all learn something .. and do it better the next time.

That’s it.

Simon Hewison

John Michael Cullen


Long time member now involved much more in the new space. Since the move to Wembley I’ve been very involved in infrastructure - mostly network and system infrastructure, doorbot software, and ripping out miniature toilets (making way for a darkroom instead)

I believe the hackspace is as much a space to experiment and make stuff as it is a place to meet like-minded people who want a collaborative community. I am encouraged to see people start to use the space again, and I enjoy adding some of the fun features back into the space. LHS has a great facility now with a welcoming atmosphere that was a bit lacking at the previous location.

I enjoy seeing the weird and varied projects members produce, and want to encourage this by promoting diversity and inclusion so as to widen the range of ideas so we can all help each other to make both the space and the activities within even more awesome.

Philip Roy


Having served this community as a director/trustee for some time I remain as enthusiastic as ever about the opportunities and facilities that it provides. I am proud what we have all achieved and I would like to continue to assist all members to get the most of what is available here. Whether in terms of working on improvements to infrastructure, facilitating plans for our future as a community or encouraging the many social aspects of the LHS, I am ready to continue to build on what we have already.

Thomas Greer


I've been a member of London Hackspace since 2012. Since joining the space has moved to Hackney Road where I helped with the build out and electrical wiring. We expanded the amateur radio section from operating next to the laser cutter to its space in the shack where it remained prior to our departure.

Along with simonvc I co-founded London Aerospace, a group focused on RC Aircraft/Drones/Planes/Multirotors and helped turn that into a monthly meeting with occasional workshops.

I also picked up responsibility for the maintenance of the 3D printer. The original Lulzbot was in regular need of some TLC and I worked with Ian to make a more informative 3D printer training program.

I'm an active amateur radio member, and whilst we're building out the shack, I'm helping organise courses and exams like I did before to get more people involved.

With the relocation to Wembley, London Hackspace is at a turning point where we can improve on the history we've had and engage with a new community. Having knowledge of the history and all the challenges we've faced in the space historically will help with moving forward.

As a budget holder in my day job, I have experience in making financial decisions and negotiating contracts, which I feel would help making informed decisions for the hackspace. As a manager I’m expected to handle situations in order to diffuse interpersonal issues that might otherwise cause problems.

I’m almost always contactable and regularly on IRC/responding to emails.