Superhuman Evening with Body Parts

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The Wellcome Collection has an exhibit on at the moment about body enhancement/replacement/etc. As part of the exhibition, they have a few events on. Thursday 20 September, they have an event showing synthetic body parts (windpipes, ears, noses and arteries) which are used as scaffolding for stem cells to grow new body parts. It even suggests you get to handle these!


Thursday, 20 September 2012 18:00-21:00 (event at Wellcome Collection)

then PUB! until whenever


  1. Gather at Wellcome Collection around 18:00-19:00 and go around the exhibit and make many rude comments about synthetic body parts.
  2. Try not to get forcibly ejected from Wellcome for being too immature/handling organs too roughly (HURR)
  3. Pub at The Euston Tap since Superhuman isn't a huge exhibit and it's not a huge event night, either.


  • Free for Wellcome + event
  • General beer/food money


  • Food before/after?
    • Range of mediocre food choices at Euston, including the beloved Nandos.
    • Indian restaurants down Drummond Street if anyone has any recommendations?


Akki is organising this very loosely (as usual).

Probably going





Body Bits event

Superhuman exhibition at Wellcome Collection