Talk:Classroom HackSpaceChallenge/Report/1

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50MB ! Hah, you young things ..

My first computer didn't have any storage and 48k (Speccy <3 ). But I'm pretty sure you are going to top that with talk of punch cards, or perhaps abaci :P . I didn't think the young people would understand the concept of storage as small as kilobyte. --Eb4890 20:53, 24 March 2011 (UTC)

I was mostly just trying to live up to the stereotype .. but my first work computer (pdp11-03) had a 10M disc (we had the fancy new one, not last year's 5M one). And since you mention it yes, my official computer course at uni did use punched cards (though there were newfangled video terminals available if you asked nicely to go on the Unix box).