This page lists near by places where you can get accommodation. If you are looking on information about sleeping at the space, in short don't (for the full story see here).
Travelodge: London City Road: £90, Farringdon: £60
Premier Inn: 1 Silicon Way, Old Street: from £59
Old Friend, Bethnal Green: £60
City Inn Express: £45+
The Luxury Inn, Dalston: £65
The RE Hotel, Shoreditch: £120+
Kandara Guesthouse: £53-75
Commongate (5 miles; bus/taxi required): £45
Arlington Avenue guest house: £40 (so they claim; looks like it should cost more)
Check AirBnB - £25ish
- TheDictionary Kingsland Road £21+
Lots near Kings Cross (Northern Line from Old St/214/205 bus):
- Clink 78 £15+
- YHA £15+
- Generator £20+
- Piccadilly backpackers almost a pod hotel £15+
And a huge number of small B&Bs south of Euston Road.
There's also a 24-hours Starbucks and Costa in the station if you're waiting for a train.
Posher ones around london: