Amateur Radio/Foundation Course October 2014
From London Hackspace Wiki
This is a Foundation Licence Course being run Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th October 2014.
To take this course and the exam, you will need the following:
- A copy of the latest edition of Foundation Licence - NOW!
- This will be supplied as part of the course.
- A current passport, photo ID driving licence, or other legal document showing name, photo, printed name and signature
- If you're under 16, you must let us know in advance as we'll require signed documentation from a parent/guardian
- £45 course fee (payable in advance, you'll have information on how to pay the fee in your 'course acceptance' email.) This must be paid no later than 6th October.
- A basic, silent, non-programmable (ideally scientific) calculator
- Pens/Pencils, including a black pen for the exam
- Something to take notes on (paper, iPad, slate, etc.)
- tgreer - 2E0MRV