Miracle Fruit Party
A Miracle Fruit Party at the Hackspace!
There's a type of berry called "miracle fruit", and I'm getting freezedried tablets of it. Roll 'em around on your tongue, and all the sour and bitter receptors are numbed for about half an hour. Lemons taste sweet. Tabasco sauce tastes like "hot doughnut glaze". Believe me - it's a hell of a thing. More details are, of course, on Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synsepalum_dulcificum - and a gushing New York Times writeup of what a miracle fruit party is like is here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/28/dining/28flavor.html
When and where
Sunday 26th June. In the quiet room.
£5 a head, payable in advance to Tom so he can buy miracle fruit tablets and enough food. Register here: http://www.tomscott.com/temp/fruit/