NotJustArduino FAQ

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This is a draft FAQ page for the Not Just Arduino group

What is this group about?

We are an informal user group meeting every 2 weeks for people who want to learn, share and experiment electronics and microcontrollers. Event format often varies but is always informal. Contact: Marc or just ping our mailing list.

Do you accept beginners / non-members?

Yes! You do not have to be a member to attend and all beginers are welcomes. Though if you're becoming a regular we'd like you to become a London Hackspace member to support the space. And there is also a donation box near the fridge if you'd like to contribute.

What should I bring?

You don't have to bring anything but if you'd like to hack/jam with us please bring your projects, development boards and components. Bringing only your question or just watching what people are doing is also completely fine.

Getting Started with Arduino

There are many development boards and ways to explore DIY electronics, Arduino is one of the easiest ones. We recommend to get a Starter Kit, here are a few good ones Oomlout and Proto-PIC (note we're not affiliated with these suppliers in any ways.) Then you can start to follow instructions on the Arduino page or one of the many tutorial sites.

Can you help with...?

The short answer is "maybe". Your best bet is to ask on our mailing list here. Please do at least a little bit of research before asking to help us understand better your project.

Offers of collaboration

Our group gets many requests, so we recommend either to come in person to an event or post on our mailing list with detailed specs of your project.

What is London Hackspace

The London Hackspace is a social space for people who like to make things: we have a workshop with woodworking and metalworking machinery, extensive electronics equipment, a lasercutter, and many other tools and devices. Additionally we are host to a large social sphere of hackers, makers, scientists and artists, and a growing number of community subgroups that cater to particular interests. We don't offer a formal training programme. However, there are lots of knowledgeable people who are often able to help and answer your queries. If you're prepared to pitch in and try things, read up on it, ask advice and be patient. The London Hackspace is entirely volunteer-run, and governed by the community.

This is a draft page and all members are welcome to edit this page.