Project:Packet Radio/Bulletin/1808

From London Hackspace Wiki
   \ | /    L O N D O N   H A C K S P A C E           August 2018 update
    \|/     P A C K E T   R A D I O                        to HACKRS@GBR
     |      ____________________________________________________________
 /    \\ \      We are working together to build and maintain an amateur
| \\,='\\ |     radio packet network in and around London, UK.
 \ \\    /
  '-...-'                               Internet email:
   __|__                          AX25 email: HACKRS@GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO
    ===                     Internet IRC: #lhs-radio on


   ---===( NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY 13 SEPTEMBER 2018 AT 18:00 )===---

It looks  likely that  this will  be the  last hilltop  get-together, at
least  for 2018.  As  usual,  we'll meet  by  the  Royal Observatory  in
Greenwich,  nearish the  clock. Everyone  is welcome  - look  for bikes,
antennas,  that sort  of  thing.  If you  get  lost,  someone should  be
listening  out  on  433.500MHz.  We  even  have  an  object  on  APRS  - -  look for  HACKRS. Being  September, the
meeting will likely be a bit darker and damper than usual. It might even
rain, so check the wiki page (URL  in the header) to check whether we've
decided to go to a pub instead.

=> Note the earlier time of 18:00; this is to allow for the fact that <=
=> the van to throw us out of the park appears at 20:00 in September! <=

An amateur-to-be, George, came along to our last meeting and we told him
a bit about  what radio is all  about. Others stopped to ask  what it is
we're doing or just to let us know  that they are into radio too. On the
table, Mat and Sam were testing out a couple of antennas for packet, one
on a bike-mounted pole and one on a cord slung over a nearby tree.

                     ---===( HACKSPACE NEWS )===---

The hackspace  is returning, thanks to  a band of helpers.  Regular open
evenings have started again on Tuesdays at 7pm, the network is going in,
and work areas  are being installed. The more members  who can help, the
faster the space will be open. Get in touch if you can help!

                  ---===( TWO MEMBERS LEVEL UP )===---

Mat 2E0TPS is now M0XPX and Michael 2E0KRV is now M0ISR! In other words,
both have achieved full licence status. Congratulations to both of them!

                      ---===( NETWORK MAP )===---

The network map shows the users  interested in connecting via packet and
the success with which they  have reported establishing connections. The
maps remain  unchanged from  last month,  though there  was a  flurry of
interest in packet on the mailing list.

|                      GB7NWG       __..--+ M0IPU                      |
|                     (M0SKF) o--"""                                   |
|                             |\_                                      |
|                      M0OKE .'+ \                                     |
|                            |    )+ M0XPX                             |
|                           .' +-" 2E0RLZ                              |
|                           |  |                                       |
|                          .' |                                        |
<-- M0PLL                  | .'                                        |
|                         .' |                                         |
|                         |.|                                          |
|                        .'|                      +  packet station    |
|                        |.'                      o  repeater or node  |
|                GB7CIP  ||                      --- reliable link     |
|                (G4APL) o                       ... occasional link   |

Because this is pretty narrow, here is a stretched version:

|                GB7NWG                                                |
|               (M0SKF)               ________........--------+ M0IPU  |
|                   .o_-------""""""""                                 |
|                  /   ""--__                                          |
|                ./    +     ""--__                                    |
|              ./   M0OKE     __.:::--+ M0XPX                          |
|             /         +--"""                                         |
|           ./       _-" 2E0RLZ                                        |
|         ./      _-"                                                  |
|       ./     _-"                                                     |
|      /    _-"                                                        |
|    ./  _-"                                      +  packet station    |
|   / _-"                                         o  repeater or node  |
|  o-" GB7CIP                                    --- reliable link     |
|      (G4APL)                                   ... occasional link   |

                   ---===( LINK OF THE MONTH )===---  -  Several  members  have  reported
hearing calls or  seeing APRS packets from a long  way away, even across
the Channel,  on their radios  while hillwalking lately. This  is likely
due to tropospheric  ducting, the result of  climatic conditions causing
temperature inversions, which in turn cause a higher refractive index in
the atmosphere, 'bending' the signal.  Using data from APRS-IS (in other
words, packet  stations), this site  presents a world map  showing radio
propagation from stations  operating near 144MHz from the  last hour. It
might surprise you how often and how far propagation is reported at this
time of year.

                     ---===( CONTRIBUTIONS )===---

If you  have any contributions  for the September 2018  bulletin, please
send them  via mail (internet or  packet) to the addresses  shown at the
top of this message.
