Project:UK Hack Camp/Minutes/2011-12-05

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(Copied from Paul2's email)

  • Meeting date: 5th December
  • Attendees: Me, Jonty, Russ, Mark, Martin, Martind, Jasper
  • Meeting minutes (in the order they were written down):

We need to have some kind of explanation/'mission statement'/blurb thing to explain what the event is. Here is a first draft:


We're attempting to organise a three-day camping festival for the maker movement and are interested in your venue as a potential location. If you're not already aware of the community, these articles on other maker events might give you a better idea of what we're about.

(insert links)

Our plan is to use a venue for just over a week, with the actual event taking three days and the rest of the time allocated for setup/tear down. We'd be planning to have talks and workshops throughout the event, so if there's any inside space available it would be advantageous.

So here's what we're looking for, and are hoping you can provide:

  • 250-500 people camping, varying on what the venue can accommodate
  • Between June 1st and September 8th 2011
  • Permission for an alcohol licence on-site (That we would acquire)

If this sounds like your venue, we'd love to have a chat about taking it further.

Thanks, Kegjrsuibergjibrehgb

Dates and timings:

  • Event will last three days (two being a weekend), with three days setup and two days takedown. Total 8 days.
  • Planned dates are weekends from the beginning of June to first weekend in September.

Approximate budget/pricing:

  • We want to keep it under £100/ticket.
  • 250 people @ £100 = £25k


  • Space for 250-500 people
  • Location/Transport
  • Price range
  • Contact Details
  • Photos/area map
  • List of facilities (including indoor space)
  • Internet connection & potential expansion
  • Mobile phone coverage
  • Mains power (50w/person? - contact ccc and see what they do)
  • Nearby facilities (supermarkets etc)
  • Alcohol acceptance
  • Deposit/cancellation fees/contract


  • (to contact places from )
  • Mersey youth camp,Charvil - Martin crypt
  • Observatory science centre , Upper Heyford - jonty
  • Contact Secret Garden Party, update website with questionnaire (google form?), quote for power generation?, google sponsorship - russ
  • Debden House, Bovington, contact CCC about power- Paul
  • Hainult, Whitchurch - mark
  • Long marston airfield, Newbury West - martind
  • Donnington, Ruckus APs - jasper
  • Matterley - anyone on the mailing list who has a contact here?

Potential sponsors:

  • Broadband Suppliers, high profile tech companies, O'reilly, Microsoft, Sparkfun, Element 14, Arm, Zen, BT, Google, Ruckus
  • Benefits: Logo on website, potential talk?, stand in a commercial/selling area, sponsor staff tshirts?

Other activities:

  • UKHAS/high altitude stuff?
  • Commercial license for displays?
  • Area for selling/stalls etc?
  • Screen priting
  • Crafting
  • Knitting
  • Contact brighton maker faire


  • 1 stream @ 1 talk per hour = 30 talks. £3k in free tickets
  • 1 stream of lightening talks?
  • Workshop area
  • Hack area

Safe drinking/drug use

  • Two tactics: council event application and on site during event


  • No one will do 72 hours straight
  • probably going to need about 50 shifts to cover work. This is £5k in tickets potentially...


  • Armbands
  • Liscensing
  • Lost child strategy

Venue to be agreed by end of January.

Next meeting: Monday 12th 8pm - IRC

I have registered #ukhackamp-meeting on freenode and suggest we use that. Then non-londoners can be involved.

Monday 19th 8pm - Real life in a pub