Project:UK Hack Camp/Minutes/2012-01-16

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  • Review of venues
  • Finance and Presales
  • Internet


  • Russ
  • Jonty
  • Paul2
  • Mark (ms7821)
  • martind


Current Top Venues

  • Moreton in Marsh Fire College - Beeny
    • need update from Beeny
  • Mersea Youth Camp - Martin (Crypt)
    • ruled out
    • too small
    • they're not keen
  • Newbury racecourse - Martin (Crypt)
    • still pending (visit this week)
  • Long Marston Airfield - Beeny
    • need update from Beeny
  • Debden House - Martin (Crypt)
    • visited today, looks good
    • can get any combination of fields
    • three fields (#5-7) probably enough for 500 people
    • cost tbd
    • advantages:
      • scalable (more fields)
      • some power (will need to add more)
      • some showers and toilets (not sure how many)
    • best time for them: early Sept
  • Donington (Jasper)
    • probably too expensive (tbc)
    • atm waiting for full quote
    • their hall is too big for us
    • but: good location travel-wise

New venues

  • Royal Welsh Show Ground
    • disadvantage: transport is a problem; we may saturate the trains
    • advantage: nearby school with 2 * 100MBit lines
  • Hainault (Mark)
    • very good location
    • they're interested
    • need to get quote, few more venue details
  • Charvil (Mark)
    • 250 people, residential -> not interested
  • Newbury West (Mark)
    • 20 acres, just along A34
    • barely any facilities
    • need quote
  • Merton Farm (Naxxfish)

Needs new owner

  • Matterley (currently Charles)


  • target dates: mid-August to Sept (after Olympics and Paralympics)
  • have 3-5 good and suitable candidate sites by the end of the month
    • Need info: size, quote, deposit, cancellation fees (atm most of that is still unknowns)
    • Need to establish some assurance that we'll have Internet
  • then pick one
  • if we don't have anything by Valentine's day then we'll move the event to 2013



  • Russ sorting out bank account this week
  • expecting venue cost of £10-30k
  • no indication of expected deposit value yet; expecting 10% non-refundable
  • so: need at least 1k in starting funds
    • presale? loans? donations?
    • shall we try Indy-gogo? (UK kickstarter-style funding site)
  • problem: need to set clear expectations when we ask people for funds.
    • should we decide on a particular venue once we start funding drive?
    • we may lose deposit money if we need to cancel a venue.
    • actual ticket sales may go through different payment provider -> how do we reconcile upfront payments?


  • how can we get people to buy presale tickets?
  • shall we start a dedicated team?


  • need to get people ready to assess Internet situation once we have a shortlist
    • let's start a team this week
    • Jasper is well-placed to coordinate, if he's interested
  • FTTC in area? microwave links to other areas?
  • minimum: 50 MBit/s (could live with 10 in the worst case)


  • Mark to contact Beeny for more info on Moreton, Long Martson
  • Mark to follow up with Hainault, Newbury West
  • Jonty to contact Naxxfish regarding Merton Farm
  • jonty: need to pursue a venue lead in Leeds (who?)
  • ???: need new owner for Matterley (currently Charles)
  • Jasper to update Donington status (get full quote, as discussed. Mark knows details)
  • Jasper to start Internet group and determine coordinator
  • Mark to ensure we have basic Internet connectivity info for all current venues
  • Jonty to kick off funding project (IndieGogo)
  • martind to update venue listings, then send to list