Risk Assessment/ Handheld Power Tools General

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Risk Assessment - Template

This risk assessment is intended to provide guidance on the risk associated with the above equipment and activities in normal use. Please also check general risk assessments for the space as a whole. Any discrepancies, errors or concerns should be raised with the document maintainers or trustees - do not edit this assessment directly. For responsible persons and last update, see 'version log' of the assessment page.


Use of generic handheld power tools such as drills, drivers, circular saws, jig-saws, sanders, oscillating multi-tools


Understanding Risk Rating

LOW - Ensure current control measures are in place and continue with activity

MED - Control measures may be adequate, co-supervision is recommended

HIGH - Do not undertake activity without further consultation with area specialists

Risk Assessment

Identify Hazards Who May be Harmed and How Severity Control Measures Likelihood Risk Rating
Incompetent user User, Bystander HIGH    Users must not use tools that they are not competent to use.   Members must challenge use that they believe is dangerous.   Users must read the user manual where applicable   Users must read the risk assessment before using a tool   LOW     MED    
Contact with bit, drill, blade, or disc User – serious harm  HIGH   Guards must not be removed and must be used where they are provided on the tool.   Ensure all loose clothing and long hair are tied back to prevent contact with the tool.   Do not place excessive pressure on the tool to achieve a hole or cut.   Do not put hands into exclusion zone (within 10cm of cutting or drilling area).   Do not leave tool running when not in use   Switch tool off immediately after use LOW    MED
Drawing in (being pulled into the belt sander, grinder, or circular saw) User of the tool – serious harm HIGH Ensure all loose clothing and long hair are tied back to prevent contact with the tool.   Do not put hands into exclusion zone (within 10cm of the cutting area).   LOW MED
Dust (inhalation, fire, explosion) User of the tool, users of the room, the space – breathing difficulties/irritation MED The tool must be used with the dust extractor attached and working, where a connection is provided on the tool.   Maintenance must include the cleaning of dust from within the tool housing.   A respirator or mask should be used whilst cutting or sanding LOW   LOW
Ejection of workpiece (Kickback from saws and grinder) User of the tool, users of the room, the space. – serious harm   HIGH   Do not stand in the path of moving material   Ensure the workpiece is clamped to a surface or a vice (except for the plunge saw)   LOW   MED
Noise User of the tool, users of the room. MED    Ear protection is advised. LOW   LOW
Flying splinters User of the tool, users of the room. – Eye injury MED  Eye protection must be worn in the room LOW LOW