Uploads by Gausie

From London Hackspace Wiki

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:14, 26 August 2013 2013-06-03 18.49.55.jpg (file) 39 KB Wood Lathe (in Edgware) 1
04:53, 9 October 2011 Themop.jpg (file) 922 KB Here it is: the greatest mop in the universe. 1
03:25, 9 October 2011 Mopmap.png (file) 21 KB Map with mop mark: most moppers make merry not missing the mop. 1
03:15, 9 October 2011 Mopplacement.JPG (file) 292 KB This is so you can see what the hook looks like with the mop and without it. In case you were wondering, we put it outside so if the mop is a bit whiffy, it doesn't disturb the otherwise beautifully-scented hackspace working area. It might bother the smokers, but its not as if they care about foul smells. 1
02:42, 9 October 2011 Mopinstructions.jpg (file) 1.86 MB Be confident in your mop usage with a wiki! 1