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A lifelong Electronics Engineer. During my professional life I've worked in education, entertainment and medical devices, and have designed educational electronic products, LASER animation systems, video projection systems and most recently medical devices for newborn hearing testing. Outside my professional life I've designed high power sound systems, lighting controllers, home automation systems, power supplies, test equipment, motor controllers and various other bits and pieces.

ECAD software wise, I am a big fan of Altium Designer, but there will always be a special place in my heart for OrCAD (when it was a beautifully elegant and efficient DOS app - all the Windows versions were dreadful).

I'm more at home with hardware than software, but at various times have just about managed to bang out code in disparate languages including assembler (various micros), BASIC, PL/M, Pascal, C (and a bit of that PlusPlus stuff, too - not yet clear on what C# is all about, though). Need to find the time to learn Python, Java and all the new, cool, languages that the kids use now.

I like to mess about with mechanical, as well as electrical/electronic, stuff. Also not bad at plumbing, electrical work, and a bit of woodwork.

Hoping to add to this, but am making no promises...