Video hackspacer profile
From London Hackspace Wiki
Hello, I work as the template for the Video Hackspace's User Pages. My name is Dent, Arthur Dent, I'm the guy with the striped t-shirts and the purple headphones. I'm into post-colonial minimalist punk reggae and soldering. I think the Reactable is the best thing since sliced bread. In fact, I've actually sliced bread on it.
My Video Software
I love using these:
I can make patches that process microphone input! And I'm figuring out how to trigger a synthethiser with them.
My Video Hardware
- Accelerometers
I have been wiring these to my congas, violin, and garden table. They're good to determine something's inclination, they make good controllers. I have a bunch left and will swap them for piezoelectric microphones, a yamaha preamp, or tortilla chips.
My Programming Languages
- Processing (fluent. Spielberg asked me to do the audio-triggered visual effects for Star Wars)
- Arduino (beginner. My code heats the chip so much that I've fried eggs on it, but I still haven't managed to get a sound out of it.)
- Java (including the javax.sound.midi API) (beginner. I've made an online multiuser synthethiser but it only works in particular time zones. I've no clue why. Help)
- C++ (disastrous. I posted my code on stackoverflow and Linus Torvalds insulted me over the phone. He probably got my number because of a security hole in that freaking online synthethiser... I want to learn more!)
Video Hackspace Projects I Participate In
I'd like to Collaborate/Give a hand with...
My Traditional Setup
I use these:
- V-4
Things that inspire me
- The Reactable Because it's so shiny and it doesn't wobble. Well... it does if you put the right LFO in.
My Websites/Projects
To create your user page
- Click on this page's "Edit" tab (at the very top).
- Select all the text in the text box and copy it.
- If you don't already have an account in London Hackspace's wiki, create one by clicking on the "Log in / create account" link on the top right of the page.
- Once your account is created and you're logged in, go to your user page by clicking on your username on the top right of the page.
- Click on the "Edit" tab.
- Paste.
- Edit, add and remove stuff if your name's not Arthur Dent.
- To insert links:
[|my soundcloud page]
, don't forget to include the "http://" at the start. - To insert a link within the Hackspace wiki, get the last bit of the page's URL and type it as such:
[[Hack_traditional_instruments|the hacking traditional instruments project]]
. - To display an image upload it and follow the instructions.
- Decorate!
- Add your name to the Music Hack Space's list of people