Workshops/Python for Beginners
Information for our introductory workshops on Python
Important things
Date & time - 28th of July, 2013 10am sharp till 5pm- CANCELLED - Will try and reschedule- Bring a laptop with the required software
- We recommend a donation of £20 for the session if you are a non-member
- Please sign up at the bottom of the page or use Eventbrite
Things you will Need
We'll be working in Python3, so to begin with, you'll need a copy of that. If you are using Windows, Linux or MacOSX you can get a copy from
3.3.2 is a good version to use. Grab the one you need.
Alternatively, if you are a l33t haxor you can use something like
apt-get install python3
or python3.2 or whichever your version of Ubuntu is.
If you like to use Mac Homebrew you can use something like
brew install python32
Some kind of Terminal thing
If you are using Windows, get used to using the cmd program. You'll need it. Under MacOSX you have the or you can use iTerm2. If you are using Linux, thats no bother, you'll have a terminal application no doubt.
A good text editor
Python comes with IDLE on some systems and thats alright but its largely a pain in the long run.
Notepad ++ is pretty much the best text editor on Windows. You can also use sublime text 2
sublime text 2 is pretty good but also Text Wrangler. Dont use the default TextEdit!!!
Vim. Not emacs :P
The library we are using is called Pyglet. Dont worry, I've included it in the lessons
So all the lessons can be downloaded from the github page here:
You can download the whole thing as a zip (which is a good thing to do I'd say, if you dont have git installed). All the source code we are playing with, the examples and such, can be downloaded from here. Please download it and see if you can follow it before you arrive.
Resources for the Day
There are a great many resources for Python on the web. Here are a few of the ones I like:
Learning Python in General
- Learning Python the Hard Way - a great little PDF that is actually quite easy to follow
- Common python pitfalls
Pyglet Related
Sign up
Please add you name to the list below OR use the - EVENTBRITE page
For who?
If you can't program, still come along. The pace will be fast but if you want to start programming for the first time, Python is a great language to learn.
How much?
There is no charge HOWEVER the space survives on donations and member subscriptions. We recommend a voluntary donation of £20 for the day.