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  <jontyw> SEO conferences need to be routinely firebombed
  <jontyw> SEO conferences need to be routinely firebombed
  <creature> jontyw: firebombed, bombed, molotov cocktailed, incendiary bombed.
  <creature> jontyw: firebombed, bombed, molotov cocktailed, incendiary bombed.
<Sci> ...And if it stops just one person filling a working clock mechanism with hot-glue & putting it on a hat, I'll be happy.

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Revision as of 00:51, 24 March 2011

<aden> i'm an idiot, came in to work today and i've got the day off
<Paul2> man vengaboys were awesome
<Muz> MuzFfuuuu.png (repeat forever)
<EarthshineDesign> question
<EarthshineDesign> was the girl with teh pigtails last night Caitlin ?
<Muz> No that was lizzard.
<Muz> Caitlin's the really tall one.
<EarthshineDesign> Oh
<Muz> The really tall one that NEVER turns up anymore.
<EarthshineDesign> well the one with pigtails was a babe
<earthshine> well if she is a tranny she's a damned hot one
<caitlin> the musicians need to get home to bed, so they can get up early and work on their business plan
<aden> steff: i love the smell of chlamydia in the morning
<@jontyw> this is why I love russ:
<@jontyw> <russ> I found a piece of leuttice in my wallet this morning, so I presume I had a kebab.
<Paul2> the sad thing is people have nothing better to do with their lives but add trees to OSM
<@t0m> I'm also fairly big on angle grinding, and generally most things which can result in accidental breakage of rule 0
<@m00> rule 0?
<@t0m> Do not be on fire.
<@solexious> Should the used Ferric Chloride and Sodium Silicate be returned into their respective bottles?
<parag0n> drink them
<parag0n> they're harmless once used
<parag0n> and taste delicious
<Paul2> AircraftInteriorsExpo, continuing the trend of putting anyword infront of expo and thinking it will be great.
<parag0n> who wants to buy sealand and start a hackspace there
<tomwardill> the commute is a bit of a bitch
<ICANN> have you guys ever heard of the landline hacking?
<ICANN> well not hacking really but secret
<theothers> It's not called that anymore, it's Bushwhacking.
<theothers> If you ever see arpawocky on this channel he would be able to teach you how to build this stuff, he tought me.
<ICANN> to build what?
<@parag0n> mains phase shifter, other disco equipment
<codexn> caitlin ,i am wish to make friends with you !just talk something we like ,ok?
<@Alex> ...wat
<caitlin> hush you, i stand to make my first ever friend
<@aden> i read irc, twitter, and facebook, that's like reading a few really badly written books every day
<@russss> it's dark. There may be a nonzero chance of being eaten by a grue
<@solexious> Im going to repurpose one of my strobe beacons and hook it up to a methane sensor for the loos
<@solexious> ow, protip, dont solder naked
<ms7821> I am not sleeping on the dong
<robonaut> t0m opened the hackspace door.
<robonaut> t0m opened the hackspace door.
<robonaut> t0m opened the hackspace door.
<robonaut> t0m opened the hackspace door.
<glen2> Pizza printer?
<Blapto> pizza printer!
<glen2> So a cheese extruider?
<aden> going to put pizza dough in the makerbot instead of PLA
<glen2> Please don't touch the Makerbot.
<@aden> you can't own a mac and be a troll, you'd spend all day trolling yourself
<samthetechie> (to Kal) I'm so going to chain you to a radiator one day
<@solexious> oni_: less dancing, more grinding
<@roberthl> aden: is that... bacon?
<parag0n> eve is basically a spreadsheet
<parag0n> with a pretty 3d UI
<oni_> jontyw: where did you find that site?
<jontyw> oni_, which site?
<oni_> http://youtubecrack.on.nimp.org
<earlbot> [ GNAA Last Measure Live! ]
<jontyw> DO NOT CLICK
<Tamsin> I was going to ask if that was SFW :)
<oni_> lol, indeed
<roberthl> ah fuck
<roberthl> thanks guys :(
<@solexious> aaah beard fire]
<@solexious> soldering fail #2
< blapto> DON'T BE ON FIRE
<@solexious> its fine, im not in the space
<@actel> everything runs on gin
<@Muz> Gin, and dreams.
<Blapto> Has anybody here ever bought a towel?
<Muz> ... yes?
<Blapto> I need some towels.  I've never bought one.
< martop25xton> i am not that smart but i am easy to get along with
<@lozzd> that much is clear
<@roberthl> yeah i probably came in at a bad angle
<@roberthl> i think we should call it "combat docking"
<@drPoggs> roberthl: i hope you wiped up
<caitlin> i had spoke cards on every single bit of my bike i could get them on when i was 9 
<caitlin> REALLY wanted a motorbike
<caitlin> it was quite hard to pedal
<@drPoggs> it's not *too* far
<@drPoggs> continue down Old Street until you think you're in the 80s, then left up Kingsland Road and y'er almost there
<@russss> I'm sure it's doing it in a logical order, it's just not using the correct kind of logic.
<Blapto> I actually quite enjoyed that blue people film in 3D
<@haywardgb> i need a pee! where's Sol!
<caitlin> srsly, you motherfuckers.. the quotes page is basically grep caitlin log.file
< gsearle> Anyone here speak German?
<@solexious> 9
<caitlin> i loathe them junking ethics in with religion
<caitlin> it's like putting porn in the kids tv section
<caitlin> i could use a better analogy
<@jontyw> So, all the lights are on in the space but I can't see anyone there....
< pingbat> sounds like lots of people i know
* Blapto commits seppeku or bukkake or whatever it is
< Blapto> Sucking is too much effort
<@glen2> I'm in a shell, you'll have to describle the jpg to me.
< Paul2> glen2: pixel one: dark blue ish
< Paul2> pixel two (going l->r) also dark blue
< Paul2> maybe balck actually
< Paul2> 3: same as others
< Paul2> bored now. you get the picture
< Paul2> oh. wait. you dont.
<Muz> I think you misunderestimate my girth
<@solexious> Cory Doctoro just borrowed a drill
<amln> that 'ff' thing confused the fuck out of me. i did think it was about fisting.
< Herald> I even put it in the oven for 5 minutes to make it warm and soft
<russss> I have like 16GB of horse-related XML
<@oni> i am currently looking after Solexious's cats
<@oni> they like kebabs funnily
[18:39:45] <russss> what? I'm not grumpy
<@JamesHarrison> If they complain, put wheels on the bottom one and stick a permit on it
< aden> they could be using grindr to find a pub with lots of mac users in
<@russss> this stuff really isn't new, that's the thing. Why does it take fucking Microsoft to come out with something to get people excited about it.
< Underhand> because people get excited about fucking?
 <solexious> there was also a dead bee in the water tank :/
 <zts> that's a bug, not a feature
 <ms7821> it's the same as running away from bears - you only need to be more secure than the bike next to you
<elliot_w> useful for layzoring?: http://woodgears.ca/gear_cutting/template.html
<earlbot> [ Gear template generator ]
<chaotician> that's really cool
<aden> now all we need is something that requires wooden or perspex gears
<aden> i use one of those hdmi over cat 5 things, and a power over ethernet adapter, and a wireless bridge, so now my pc is totally wireless
< coldblood> how are the trains running into london?
< ms7821> still on tracks
<@Paul2> the same way they normally do, through application of kinetic energy and friction and things
<parag0n> whoooooa
<parag0n> NASA discovered life on earth
< alexs> It's like that Silicon based blob from star trek
< alexs> that eats rock
< alexs> (ST:TOS)
< parag0n> mmm, rocks
< alexs> It means life on Titan is possible.
< alexs> Think of the romeo and juliet esq fanfiction that's possible now!
< alexs> Arsenic based life-form falls in love with phosphorous based life form.
< alexs> They run away together, and then die.
< srimech> You could call it "My Chemical Romance"
< parag0n> how can we draw a penis on a set of xmas lights
<@Muz> Aden's floppy blue-tinged emoboy quiff hung loosely in front of his eyes as he breathed gently down Nigle's neck.
<@Muz> Slow, the makerbot began to extrude a fine white paste.
<@jontyw> Honest to god, someone just emailed the contact@hackspace.org.uk address asking for advice on how to set up a hackerspace in london
<glen2> I'm pritty sure I could get any surgery right on the second or third try.
* russss still hasn't had an opportunity to try his telescope out
<@solexious> so to speak
* alexs wonders if the mechanics on the funicular railway are RMT members
<Paul2> Funicular Union of Contractors and Keyworkers (FUCK)
< CableTwitch> And also the Funicular Union of Contractors and Keyworkers Emergency Rescue Service (FUCKERS)
< ms7821> and their outsourced IT dept, FUCKIT
< SamLR> Funicular uniont of contractors and keyworks: wellbeing, and information training (staff) FUCKWITS
< Paul2> fuckwits, the wireless part of the it services
< CableTwitch> Funicular Union of Contractors and Keyworkers - Official Funicular Forum
< alexs> Oh dear.
< ms7821> I hear they're expanding to LUL properties with their new Trains And Rails Division
< CableTwitch> The department for dealing with trackworks and maintainance follows the Universal Program
< Paul2> There is a Cellular Underground Networks Team for mobiles on the tube. I need to tell them their name.
<ms7821> I had to explain 4chan to my grandmother at christmas
<jpds> ms7821: 4chan != channel4.
<DanB_> ms7821: You cannot say that and not give us an idea of how *precisely* you managed to explain 4chan? :) I can imagine it was quite something!
<aden> slapped her round the face with his dong, and said "it's a bit like that"
<jontyw> What is solexious up to?
<solexious> jontyw: helping the pizza guy work his cctv recorder
@<srimech> Due to a collision of two mailing list threads, four members of the London Hackspace were cast in resin for a new Sky TV series on the 2nd February 2011.
<aden> can't remember who it was, in the end we kicked them from the channel for being dead
<Cyd>	i have an accent fetish
<Cyd>	i think...
<Cyd>	i hear a great english accent i melt
<lozzd>	if you were a hot girl, i'd so be attempting to bed you right now
<Cyd>	really?
<lozzd>	no offense
<lozzd>	hahahahah
<lozzd>	that was.. bizarre
< Cindy> hi everyone
<@lozzd> oh.
<@lozzd> i c what u did thar.
< Cindy> ?
<@lozzd> [01:11:06] <-- Cyd (~zinc@unaffiliated/cydd) has left #london-hack-space
<@lozzd> [01:11:42] --> Cindy (~zinc@unaffiliated/cydd) has joined #london-hack-space
< Cindy> what a coincidence...
<Muz> No, he suggested that they merely share two properties
<Muz> FFUU
<jontyw> I want to start graphing the frequency of muz's channel fuckups
<Muz> :(
<Muz> I'd been so good for months!
<creature> jontyw: I think he needs a gmail-style "You're about to say something in #london-hack-space. Is this really the channel you were  expecting to post in?" dialog whenever he speaks.
<jontyw> Mere seconds later, in another channel:
<jontyw> <Muz> Also, wtb moar multi-threading.
<jontyw> <Muz> FFFUUU
<jontyw> <Muz> Shut up jonty.
<jontyw> <alex> Haha.
<Muz>	This channel has really jumped the troll.
<kokey> ?molest
<robonaut> kokey, I don't understand 'molest'. Did you mean 'meet'?
<Randomskk> haha "meet"
<Randomskk> as in, 'I'm going to "meet" some children'
<jontyw> For use only in emergencies:	
<jontyw> ?llama	
<robonaut> |      Tony the drama llama says..     |	
<robonaut> ----------------------------------------	
<robonaut> |                                      |	
<robonaut> |                            o ~)      |	
<robonaut> |                          o    (_---; |	
<robonaut> |  (Calm down children!) o      /|~|\  |	
<robonaut> |                              / / /   |	
<robonaut> |                                      |	
<robonaut> ----------------------------------------	
User mode for ms7821 set to +o by ChanServ	
← robonaut was kicked by ms7821 (~Mark@goatse.co.uk): spam	
User mode for ms7821 set to -o by ChanServ	
<jontyw> Aww	
* jontyw removes the llama
<russ> Amongst other gunk, there was HALF A DEAD BEE lodged in the water flow interlock sensor.
<artag> Alas, poor Eric.
<TypeOLobo>  Looking for a squid expert with good-to-expert security,routing experience. Pays $500 for the solution. Easy money for the right expert.
<ms7821> bruce schneier's a squid expert
<TypeOLobo> ok, thanks ms.. i'll look for him.
<@solexious> its for dirk
<parag0n> gently?
* srimech whispers: "it's for dirk"
<SpikeUK> :-(
<@Jasperw> can anyone remember that product/shopping agregator website that jonty posted, it was called something like justbuythisone.com
<@Jasperw> oh wait, thats exactly what it's called.
<Alex> solexious: wat?
<Alex> solexious: your script sucks, or that's not a script, or something else. :)
<solexious> Alex: what? i dont even
<Alex> horse.
<aden> when i worked on a it helpdesk, idiots wanted apostrophes in their names, then were surprised when they couldn't receive external email
<russss> this is why you don't work in a helpdesk any more aden
<GPenguin> what does the bot mean when it says that somebody opened the door?
<ms7821> :S
<aden> GPenguin: take a guess
<GPenguin> somebody connected via ssh?
<SamLR> timm pho is good but doesn't have the scalability of pizza
<@russss> pho is fucking web scale
<Underhand> i certainly didn't report it when a drunk in newcastle flopped his cock out and ran towards me. i just figured that was par for the course on a friday night in the north.
<creature> Underhand: You should feel privileged. That's a traditional Northern welcome. It's a great honour.
<@SamLR> we're no longer "london hackspace" we're "some guys in london" (Fox says so!)
<spooq> right above "dog climbs fence"
<spooq> and "homeowners fined for noisy toddler"
<spooq> LHS has hit the big time!
<eb4890> We've made it. We can stop now. We aren't going to do any better than that.
<jontyw> ARGHARGArarRAGHHH http://trbaldwin.com/takeways-from-linklove-london/
<jontyw> SEO conferences need to be routinely firebombed
<creature> jontyw: firebombed, bombed, molotov cocktailed, incendiary bombed.
<Sci> ...And if it stops just one person filling a working clock mechanism with hot-glue & putting it on a hat, I'll be happy.