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BioBot is a Raspberry pi used to control and monitor our Lab-in-a-basement technology.

It's currently only equipped with a one-wire DS18B20 temperature sensor;

However I have ordered a CO2 sensor, which is currently en-route from PRC;

You can find it's current status by going to #london-biohackers and message the biobot like so;

15:26:24 < tolland> .incubator

15:26:24 < biobot> The temp of the incubator at 21:25:46 is 19.062 degrees C

DIY Biology group based at London Hackspace, main wiki page here.

To add something to this list just put [[Category:Biohacking]] at the end of the page. There's no need to go edit all the old pages, we can just add them as we go along, especially pages we regularly refer to. is intended as a future site for blogging and announcements.