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m (Quick writeup)

Revision as of 18:57, 20 March 2011

Quick planning page for Ruby workshop since I keep not quite getting round to it.


To get people familiar with Ruby, gems, and the other aspects of a Ruby-based workflow, and to introduce an example application for web development to produce a simple webapp (Sinatra).

Preferably some knowledge of HTML and CSS.

People should be able to walk away from the talk and go make their own webapps with only a little bit of looking things up.


  • Ruby as a language
    • Basic concepts - object orientation, methods, attributes
  • Ruby as a platform
    • Quick look at the VM, explanation of GC, GIL, etc, flexibility and DSLs
  • Diving in
    • Example of a simple Ruby program, looking at syntax, method definitions, flow
  • The web and Ruby
    • History of webapps and Ruby - Rails, Sinatra, Merb
  • Demo: Writing a webapp with Sinatra, Haml and Ruby
  • Going forward
    • Documentation, resources


People with exposure to programming concepts and other languages, but no Ruby or script/interpreted language experience.