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Template: ServerTemplate (mostly for manual comments, since hardware info can now be gathered automatically.)

Under review

ID Hardware Info Height (U) CPU Family CPU Speed (GHz) RAM (GB) Disk type Disk slots Has RAID? Has RAID Card Battery Has internal cables? RAID card type Shipping price Photo link Notes
B5 00:e0:81:2b:02:c8 1 Dual Intel Xeon 3.06 2 IDE 2 n n y N/A £13 an Has a CD drive and spare 3.5 inch front bay.
N8 00:e0:81:34:6b:c9 2 Dual AMD Opteron 2 2 SATA 8 y n y 3ware 9000 series £16 of
K1 00:30:48:88:11:6e
M1 00:e0:81:40:40:80 1 Dual AMD Opteron (Dual-Core) 2 1 SATA 4 y n n 3ware 9550SX £13
M2 00:e0:81:40:41:62 SATA
P1 00:30:48:5d:0c:66
P2 00:30:48:5d:0c:b4
P3 00:30:48:61:04:24 SATA
P4 00:30:48:8e:28:4c SATA
P5 00:30:48:5d:0c:12 SATA
C1 00:e0:81:32:77:e5 netbootyboxxy. Don't sell! (Yet.)
B3 TODO SATA (?) DEAD: no RAM and PSU.
E1 00:30:48:56:8c:e0 No RAM.
J3 00:e0:81:32:2b:b4 3 SCA 10 y y y LSI MegaRAID DIED, stripped
O1 00:30:48:56:08:7c SATA No RAM.
O2 00:30:48:56:16:ca SATA No RAM.


ID Hardware Info Height (U) CPU Family CPU Speed RAM (GB) Disk type Disk slots Has RAID? Has RAID Card Battery Has internal cables? RAID card type Shipping price Photo link Notes
J7 00:e0:81:2f:e7:9b 3 Dual AMD Opteron 2.0 8 sca 10 y y y LSI MegaRAID £18 The backplane may be dodgey, one drive bay didn't work once.
J8 00:e0:81:61:93:e2 3 Intel Pentium 4 3.2 4 sata 12 y n y 3ware something £18 The rear fan has failed, and one drive bay may not work.
L1 00:e0:81:28:c6:a8 3 Dual AMD Opteron 1.8 8 sca 8 y y y LSI MegaRAID £18 This has two spare 5.25 inch drives.
N2 00:e0:81:34:76:3b 2 Dual AMD Opteron 2.0 4 sata 8 y n y 3ware 9000 series £16

For sale

ID Hardware Info height (U) disks slots raid raid card battery cables Raid card type Shipping Notes Auction
I1 00:e0:81:2b:a5:a0 2 sca 6 y y y LSI MegaRaid £11 One dead drive bay 250801135089 [ 250826282864


ID Hardware Info height (U) disks slots raid raid card battery cables Raid card type Shipping Notes Auction

Sold & On hold

Server ID Hardware Info Photo link Auction Status
B2 00:e0:81:2e:75:52 was [1] Sold to Terry (ye-olde-shoppe) for £38.68. Not paid yet. Awaiting reply. We should cancel this & refund.
M3 00:e0:81:34:1e:12 from [2] Sold to Vashisth (itstuffz) for £62.00. Paid via PayPal. He hasn't yet replied to my message. We should cancel this & refund.
D1 00:30:48:87:ec:a8 SATA. Reserved for Ricky Hewitt, will pay & pick it up after 21 April.
ID Hardware Info height (U) disks slots raid raid card battery cables Raid card type Shipping Notes Auction

Sold & Shipped

ID Hardware Info height (U) disks slots raid raid card battery cables Raid card type Shipping Notes Auction
A2 00:30:48:55:65:d8 1 sata 4 y n y ? £7 250801109663 Sold & shipped
G1 00:e0:81:31:39:b6 1 sata 4 y n y ? £7 Only 4Gb, strip ram from J3? 250801119312 Sold & shipped
G2 00:e0:81:30:e8:e5 1 sata 4 y n y 3ware £7 Only 4Gb, strip ram from J3? 250801123952 Sold & shipped
G3 00:e0:81:47:b1:31 1 sata 4 JasperWallace bought this one
I2 00:e0:81:2f:14:04 2 sca 6 y n y LSI MegaRaid £11 Two dead drive bays 250802188140 Sold & shipped
I3 00:e0:81:2f:c1:bd 2 sca 6 y y y LSI MegaRaid £11 One dead drive bay 250802192129 Sold & shipped
J4 00:e0:81:31:cb:39 3 £13 250794659089 Sold & shipped
F3 00:e0:81:41:1b:92 3 £13 250794660803 Sold & shipped
J1 00:e0:81:2f:c1:b6 3 £13 250797338481 Sold & shipped
F2 00:e0:81:2f:15:cb 3 sata 12 y n y ? £13 Only 4Gb, strip ram from J3? slim chance this is the wrong mac 250801112849 Sold & shipped
Server ID Hardware Info Photo link Auction Status
E3 00:30:48:56:52:ca lady [3] to a member Paid & collected.
B4 00:e0:81:2f:64:6c a [4] Paid via PayPal. Sent via courier.
M4 00:e0:81:43:f4:60 Leeds [5] Paid via PayPal & collected. Very nice guy, part of CentOS.
F1 00:e0:81:47:b1:50 packet [6] Paid via PayPal & collected.
J2 00:e0:81:32:fa:57 swallowed [7] Paid in Cash & collected.
B1 00:e0:81:30:e8:42 There [8] Paid via PayPal & collected.
E2 00:30:48:56:52:92 young [9] Paid via PayPal. Collected.
J5 00:e0:81:33:7f:b6 a [10] Paid cash, £77. Collected.
J6 00:e0:81:32:bf:3f who [11] Paid cash, £51. Collected.
N1 00:30:48:5e:0b:50 Within [12] Paid cash, £117. Collected.
N3 00:30:48:5e:0c:c6 half [13] Paid cash, £126. Collected.
N4 00:30:48:5e:0c:40 seeds Sold directly to a member Paid cash, £100. Collected.
A1 00:30:48:55:65:dc 250794651347 Sold (to a member), paid via paypal, and collected.
R1 00:e0:81:34:14:03 250794638476 Member, paid cash (£140, incl more RAM) and collected.
H2 00:e0:81:40:da:a9 250794648218 Paid via PayPal. Shipped on 7 April.
Q1 00:e0:81:41:15:00 250794655615 Paid via PayPal. Shipped on 7 April.
F4 00:e0:81:40:4b:06 250794663239 Paid via PayPal. Shipped on 7 April.
name height (U) disks slots raid raid card battery cables Raid card type Shipping
R1 3 sata 10 y y y 3ware 9000 Storage Controller, Firmware FE9X, BIOS BE9X £13
H2 3 sata 12 y n 2 i.e. 10 missing 3ware 9550SX SATA-RAID £13
A1 1 sata 4 y n y 3ware 9550SX SATA-RAID £7
Q1 4 sca 16 y n y LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID £15
F4 3 sata 12 y n all missing 3ware Inc 9550SX SATA-RAID £13