Cremer st - Infrastructure

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Revision as of 22:56, 14 July 2011 by Ms7821 (talk | contribs)
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This documents efforts at improving the layout and infrastructure at the space.

Ongoing projects

Quiet Room carpet

  • Description: ...
  • Status: carpet is there, fittings have been ordered
  • People: Robert, Adrian, Phil
  • Schedule: Potentially any time after the fittings arrive, but space cleaning day (especially the evening) looks the best prospect at the moment

Kitchen Flooring

  • Description: ...
  • Status: need to put down a screed, needs to be ordered/bought. Then use the vinyl we have or buy resin paint. This requires financial assessment first.
  • People: ?

Kitchen Plumbing

  • Description: ...
  • Status: hot water generator needs to be moved from unit 23, cold water pipe run to the kitchen, and waste water out.
  • People: ?

Kitchen Wiring

  • Description: wiring for oven and hob. Needs to be certified by an electrician.
  • Status:
  • People: Russ

Kitchen Units

  • Description: ...
  • Status: materials all there, need fitting in place once floor, wiring, plumbing are done.
  • People: Phil


  • Description: Darkroom
  • Status: started building some work surfaces
  • People: Phil, AlexP

Lab "Extractor" Bench

  • Description: ...
  • Status: needs removal. Auction off?
  • People: ?

Unit 23 Toilet

  • Description: ...
  • Status: need to remove furnace, sweep it
  • People: ?

Quiet Room Screen

  • Description: for projections
  • Status: need to obtain epoxy bolts, then put up screen
  • People: Adrian (?)
  • Proposal : drill and epoxy bolts into ceiling near window. Drill auxiliary fixings to hold bolts in place while epoxy sets. After setting, perform pull test on bolts. Schedule team of helpers to lift screen into place and fix. These activities will create some dust, mess and brief disruption in the quiet room.
  • Requirements : epoxy capsules (I have some of these, possibly date-expired - artag), studding, large masonry drill bit, heavy duty power drill. I also have the latter 2, but can't bring them to the space cleaning day. It may be possible to do the drilling phase before that date.

Quiet Room Projector

  • Description: replace existing projector with the NEC projector, mount it properly
  • Status:
  • People: ?

Reorganise use of Unit 23 Space

  • Description: optimise storage areas etc
  • Status: start with Space_Organising_Day and use as opportunity to assess the layout
  • People: ?

Box in Lasercutter extraction

  • Description: ...
  • Status: ?
  • People: Billy (?)

Tool Access Control

Wiring Burglar Alarm Sensors

  • Description: ... so we can monitor them, implement reminders ("close the back doors") etc
  • Status:
  • People: ?

Create "Time To Live" Stickers

  • Description: to label unmarked objects that you want to nominate for removal. Cf Phil's "Do Not Hack" stickers.
  • Status:
  • People: ?


See Infrastructure meeting