Nanode programming weekend

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Nanode Programming Weekend 6th/7th August 2011

London Hackspace quiet room

Ideally a maximum of 10 attendees per day ...

Saturday 6th Attendees

Ken Boak

Trystan Lea

Glyn Hudson

Nick Boyle

Mike Beardmore [happy to help facilitate as I'm not a wizzy Nanode prgrmr yet!]

Sunday 7th Attendees

Ken Boak

Trystan Lea

Glyn Hudson

Nick Boyle

Attendee Application Interest

(e.g. Pachube, Wireless, Energy Monitoring, Bitlash/JSON/Ajax)

Trystan Lea - demonstrating 433MHz Open Energy Monitor EmonTx with Nanode and Emon CMS Web Graphing / Logging application

Glyn Hudson - wireless networks using Nanode and JeeLabs RFM12 breakout board

Nick Boyle - Interested in one Nanode doing gas monitoring, 433mhz signals to Bye Bye Standby and Drayton Wireless boiler controller. Most likely to accept the request via MQTT. Second nanode to be a monitoring station receiver, potentially accepting external temperature readings via standalone 433mhz remote temperature sensors.