From London Hackspace Wiki
Steve Ganly @ganly
- Self taught 6502 assembler on a vic20 aged 12 in 1980 (yep - one of those...), had a few games released in the 1980's micro boom on the Commodore 64
- BSc degree in Computer Science graduating in 1990
- Founded an IT consultancy and grew it to 44 people servicing merchant banks setting up and maintaining large networks of Unix systems
- Long time Perl Hacker, been working with Ruby on Rails since about 2007
- Learned basic wood and metalworking as a child, did O'Levels in Technical Drawing and something called Modular Technology
- Last 5 years re-examining things from the ground up - doing some fine woodworking and accurate metalwork on lathes and mills
- Big time automation fan - CNC using Mach3
- Get a deeper understanding of electronics - I'm still not happy with my mental model of semiconductors at the molecular level and that bothers me
- Improve the CNC facilities of the Hackspace
Project plans and speculative ideas
- Build a bunch of CNC machines for the Hackspace
- Build a decent aquaponics system
- Solar powered lawn munching swarm of robots
- Scratch built radio controlled hovercraft