Not Just Arduino Event 20

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Revision as of 17:31, 29 July 2013 by Marcbarto (talk | contribs)
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Not Just Arduino 29 July



  • Restart Party at Belsize Community Library, July 31st, 6-9pm.
  • Hack the barbican Arts+Technoology+Entrepeneurship, 5th–31st August.
  • Nineworlds Geekfest 9–11 August, Heathrow.
  • Mini MakerFaire Manchester, 10-11th August
  • OHM July 31st – August 4th 2013. Geestmerambacht, The Netherlands. The next in a series of camps that have been happening every four years since 1989

NJA Community

  • Join us on Github: Not Just Arduino to centralise documentation about all NJA projects. For some reason on GitHub all users can't request to join a group but have to be added by a owner, so please send us your username! Then you'll be able to add your repos and code! Tell us if you need help.
  • Lear how to use this wiki! If you need help ask Marc. Documentation is available here.
  • Document your project! Here is a good example
  • Follow us on twitter
  • Join the Flickr group
  • And don't forget our mailing list: Not Just Arduino

Interesting projects

Arduino UNO is used to control servo motors, leds, temp. sensor and other parts. C# application is used for easy control of the robot. Communication between Arduino and PC is established using bluetooth transceiver and bluetooth dongle. Android app "IP Webcam" is used to send video signal from smartphone to C# app through WLAN. Code here.

Created by Matthew Epler, Kinograph is an open source project that makes film digitisation affordable and scaleable. It uses components available on the internet, a few 3D printed parts, and a consumer level camera and it produces high quality video with sound.

20 projects published/released between January and June 2013 with detailed instructions.

The instrument´s purpose is to detect the amount of acetone gas that is present in a persons breath.

Windows based IR Analyzer & Decoder for use with Arduino, Raspberry Pi & similar Platforms. Powerful feature set at low cost.

electronic book powered by two Arduino boards. “The pages [were designed] using recycled materials that I collected during years in London (paper, fabrics, LEDs, resistors, wires, foil paper, glue, cardboards). It [is] powered by two Arduino Diecimilas (Atmel ATmega168): one controls the paper pop-up piano and the other controls the arts and science page. [Meanwhile], the math [section] runs autonomously with 2 3V cell batteries.”

The tie is made out of 80 WS2811 based RGB LED pixels and is driven by a DigiSpark microcontroller. I pulled in this library written in assembly to drive the display and modified this tetris engine heavily to suit my needs. See also Geeky wedding attire.

FYI, the LED matrix is a bicolor one (green/red) and has an I2C interface ( Using Arduino Uno. here's the code: [1]. Wiring

With knobs and motors, wheels and cameras and bits of Play-Doh, a series of elegant interactive experiments provides physical controls to screen interfaces. Prototyping Interfaces, the book, can show you how, all with loads of pictures and examples in free-as-in-beer (for non-commercial use) vvvv. (Preferred pronunciation is “V-4,” generally, in English or German.) The book is in German, and the software is Windows-only, but the videos (and the examples in the book, for that matter) are illustrated visually.

Point Cloud is an attempt to re-imagine our daily interaction with weather data

Conversations on mailing list


Add you comments here or in the NJA mailing list

Next event

Hope to see you all on Monday 12th August 7PM
