Door control system

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 13:47, 25 January 2014 by JasperWallace (talk | contribs)


The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.

- Douglas Adams, 'Mostly Harmless'

Doorbot listener scripts

on babbage /usr/local/bin/Doorbot/listeners

sudo service doorbot-listeners restart


Below is quite out of date, we have 2 doorbots, one on the backdoor: Perlman, and Bell bell died, now using Hamming which will go on the red lobby interior door into the main space (NOT the roller shutter or the glass door inside the lobby). Wilson is still on 50000, and Bell uses 50002, so we can tell the difference. This is a stop-gap until we add the door ID to the messages.

    • Note: The sockets in the hallway which power the door release, have an inline fuse located just under the exterior light switch in the adjacent room.

Sol's Big button:

  • white - common ground?
  • brown (dark) - button contact
  • yellow and black - not connected
  • red and blue: speaker
  • green and orange: either side of the bi colour led, maybe even to the green and orange sides!

Arduino pinouts

  • 13 - relay trigger?
  • 12 - led soldered on header
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

green & blue = wires from doorbell

button green wire A0

redLED yellow wire A2

greenLED red wire A1

Short length of phone cable from the parallel connector

  • orange -> orange
  • white with orange -> brown
  • green -> green
  • green with white -> white
  • blue - not used, speaker?
  • white with blue - not used, speaker?

Parallel Connector:

  • purple - back to door?


We have a Tikitag RFID reader, embedded in the door, which we use to automatically trigger the Cisa 11610 lock to open when authenticated.

Doorbot diagram.png


The software runs on Bell, and its code is on Github. Bell is a tiny 1GHz Via Nehemiah, with Debian Voyage 0.9.0 and very little hard disk space.

The access list is JSON file, downloaded from Turing.

The door opener broadcasts on the network whenever the door is opened or the bell is pressed.

There are listeners on Babbage that connect to robonaut to announce on IRC, and flash the lights using Lighted. By default, this will include your full real name. If you wish to change this behaviour, you can set up a nickname in the cards section of the member area.

The announcement listener uses the GLaDOS voice. You can generate and use your own file as a greeting.

Card database

perlman and hamming download the card database every minute from Turing (the machine that runs the website).

Adding a card

Access is based on the RFID UID - it is not the number written on the back of your Oyster card. There are three ways to add a card:

  1. Run the "Add card to Doorbot" script on Tesla and follow the instructions (basically, swipe your card and then enter your hackspace website login details).
  2. If you have a card reader get the code at Github and run If you have another reader that can give you the UID, log in to the website and add it at the secret page. Note that doorbot is case sensitive; enter the (hex encoded) ID using upper case letters only.
  1. If you have an Android phone that supports NFC List of NFC-enabled mobile devices you can use this App (More details). Do remember to activate NFC connections on Config>wireless and network connections. Also, remember the app works with LHS membership Usernames and Passwords, not TFL's. and not the logins to this wiki... - Broken by new website changes, will differ fixing it until we get an API (and i get a new laptop) -- Jasper

Glados Voice

Glados audio files are stored on Babbage at /home/glados/wavefiles/members. Set your wave file (in wav or mp3 format) on the members site. Generate your own from text using Tom's script at (down temporarily)

Old guide

There is a guide on Youtube that I've made to show the process as its hard to describe in text:

The Glados voices were generated by oni following the method found by Tom Wyatt. To create a glados voice one must do the following:

  • Go to ATandT's Text to Speech page. Type in your name and download the file
  • Load up the program Melodyne
  • Select the entire Waveform
  • Using the melodic algorithm, double click on one section of the waveform. I believe this moves the form to its nearest notes.
  • Using the zig Zag looking tool, flatten the pitch.
  • Up the pitch by dragging upwards by 160 or so.
  • Save

Tom and I have looked for a vocoder or similar in Audacity that will do this for you. I'll make a video of this and stick it on YouTube at some point. Believe it or not, it is faster than the website as this is exactly what that website in the links is doing.

I'll see about implementing the processing algorithm in ChucK so it can be a command-line operation the next time I'm prototyping some FFT analysis stuff with it. -- Anthony

Managing Doorbots


Please use this with caution. Once unlocked, the door must be physically opened and closed again to relock. If you unlock the door remotely, use the door webcam to check someone has entered the space.

possibly dosn't work atm?

ssh root@bell

If the arduino has somehow changed port, you might need to edit that in

  • If this ambiguity becomes a problem (eg if another serial port is added), update the udev rules : debian distributions create /dev/serial/by-id where the links in that directory include in their names the unique serial number assigned to the FTDI chip on the arduino board.
    • This will happen when I/someone gets around to it :D Ms7821 08:38, 27 August 2010 (UTC)

Logging & maintenance

If you make changes or discover a problem with doorbot, please add it to the logbook.

  • Issues are tracked on Github
  • The main script is rundoorbot, which announces to irccat on Babbage if the python script dies.
  • The python script ( announces on successful initialisation.

The service currently logs to /var/log/doorbot.log. This will be moved to tmpfs to avoid disk sync issues. Note that killing the python script will be announced. To start or stop doorbot, use:

/etc/init.d/doorbot start
/etc/init.d/doorbot stop