From London Hackspace Wiki
Hypervisor, still being built. Possibly with KVM
- IP:
- DNS:
- Access: Sysadmins
- 2 Dual-core Xeons @ 3.0ghz
- 18GB RAM
- RAID10 on / ~123GB
- RAID5 on /storage ~404G
libvm config
XML files are stored in /root at the moment. Will get around to sorting
Storage Pools
- iso - /storage/isos - Boot and install media. Everyone has write permission
- local - /storage/vms - Virtual drives stored on the local machine.
- default - NATed network, works fine but won't give you an externally accessible IP or allow for PXE booting
- bridge - Bridged network br0.
Current VMS
- Date Created: 10/03/2014
- IP:
- CPUs: 4
- RAM: 8GB
- Storage: 200GB on local
- Notes: Fragspace game server. Run by Velyks
How to:
Create a new VM
- Have a login to Lamarr via Ansible
- Install virt-manager
- Connect to Lamarr with your login. (Requires your key to be there as ID_RSA)
- Create a new VM on Lamarr. Use local to store the virtual drives
- Set suitable resources
- Set network to eth0
- Start and have fun