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Revision as of 20:13, 1 November 2014 by Samb1 (talk | contribs)

SOP FrameWork Hackspace BioLab

1. Introduction
LBL01001 The LBL BioLab SOPs

2. Health and Safety Prerequisites, Inductions and Training
LBL02001 Laboratory Induction

3. Role of the BS and GM SC, and BSO
LBL03001 The Roles of the BSO and Safety Committee

4. General BioLab Procedures
LBL04001 Operating the Spectrophotometer.. **
LBL04002 Using the Autoclave for Media Preparation and Waste Deactivation.. *
LBL04003 The BioLab Centrifuges and their usage.. **
LBL04004 Using The Incubator
LBL04005 Operating the Laminar Flow Unit for asceptic sample handling

5. CL1 Requirements
LBL05001 Containment Level One For BioLab Users

6. Risk Assessments and requirements for PIs
LBL06001 Project Risk Assessment Procedure for Lab Users Proposing New Projects

7. Molecular Biology Procedures

LBL07001 Preparation of competent E. Coli (chemical method)
LBL07002 Heat shock transformation of E. coli
LBL07003 Gel preparation and electrophoresis
LBL07004 Setting up and running PCRs e.g Colony PCR
LBL07005 Handling and Storage of Ethidium Bromide (EtBr)

8. Maintenance
LBL08001 Maintenance and Cleaning

Appendix A. Use and Storage of Chemicals
LBL0A001 BioLab Chemical Storage
LBL0A002 BioLab Chemicals MSDS Catalogue

- *  - contents started but not finished
- ** - template created but needs contents