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Biohacking / DIYBio at LHS

We're keen to get the nascent field of amateur biology going in the London Hackspace. Over the coming months we'll be developing research equipment, optimising techniques and running some research projects of our own. Most of the people involved aren't starting with a biology background, so get involved!


Bugs and Sara ran an Introduction to Biohacking workshop, giving a crash course in molucular biology and a great overview of what biohackers around the world are getting up to. The talks were recorded and are now on YouTube: [Intro to mol. biol], [Groups around the world].

We also gave condensed versions of these talks at the Science Museum's Dana Centre, which seems to have netted us a few new members. Awesome.

The next event planned is the Project Planning Workshop, at 19:00 on Sat 15th January. Come along and hear about (or present!) ideas for projects to get biohacking in London underway, and volunteer to join any project(s) that you think sound cool.






If you want to chat about biohacking, post to the Mailing List or contact one of us directly :).

