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ARP - Autonomous Rover Project

I know what you'll say. ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. Although I agree that reusing acronym is not best practice, on the other hand in this case context should suffice. I don't use the word arp often enough to warrant an other name, which I think it's easy to remember.

The project is about constructing an autonomous rover. It will be most likely be 4WD, packed with a number of sensors and cameras (perhaps kinect).

One of the central ideas about the robot is that it should be able to identify a UK socket and plug and charge itself when the battery requires it. The idea is to build and mount an arm on the rover to be able to do some tasks at different heights, like charging for instance.

The project is open source, as the code gets developed it will be published somewhere.


For now here I will list all the components I have that could become handy within the rover. The full list will come here as more parts of the project come together.

- 2 mbed LPC1768 and three boards/shields (joystick, usb, eth, etc)

- Kinect

- raspberry pi