From London Hackspace Wiki
HSRDP - Hackspace Robotics Development Platform
HSRDP is an attempt to provide a robotics platform for the hackspace to allow people to experiment with higher level robotics functions.
The plan is to sit our UMI robot arm on top of the mobility aid scooter. Plug it all into ROS with some sensors and allow people to make their own nodes for high level functions
It's part of the hackspace and collaborators are welcome, please get in-touch with Mentar (IRC) to find out what you can help. It's a great learning exercise for:
- the stuff that's required to get [Project:UMI_RTX_Robot_arm|robot arm]] working
- Robotics (more higher level stuff!)
- ROS (point clouds, sensing, planning)
- arduino
- motor control
- battery management
- Currently trying to replace the Robot arm control board.
People involved
This is a hackspace project and members are encouraged to participate
Mentar, tmlk | Getting the robot arm functional |
tmlk | Motor control |
hipster | Trimming the wheeled chassis, attaching steering motor and power electronics |
- Get the robot arm working
- Prepare the wheeled chassis for the mounting of the robot arm
- Figure out the battery and power distribution for the chassis and the robot arm.(no obvious charging socket)
- Make a ROS URDF model for the robot.
- Add a kinect + other sensors
- Repaint/beautify the thing
Example uses
- Robotic buttler - Show people around the space, bring club-mate etc
- Robotic bartender - Party/event mode configuration, mix up drinks (this one is quite challenging)
- Telepresense - Self evident uses
System diagram
<graphviz border='frame' format='png' >
digraph rfboard{ rankdir=TD; size="10,5!"; arduino [label="Arm control board",shape=box]; kinect [label="Kintect",shape=box]; pi [label="Raspberry pi",shape=box]; chassis_control [label="Chassis control",shape=box]; chassis [label="Wheeled Chassis",shape=box]; robot_arm [label="Robot Arm",shape=box]; steering [label="Steering motor",shape=box];
kinect -> pi; pi -> arduino; arduino -> robot_arm; pi -> chassis_control; chassis_control -> chassis; chassis_control -> steering;
} </graphviz>