Pledge: CNC Mill

From London Hackspace Wiki

We are looking at performing a CNC conversion kit on the mill in the space

The item

No specific items have yet been selected. We might select individual components ourselves or buy a full conversion kit.


  • Must be reversible - so that we can potentially return the mill in the condition that it was lent to us.
  • Axes: 3 would be a good starting point.
  • Max purchase cost: £?
  • Construction: A kit solution looks best. Otherwise we'd need to machine adapters and various parts to couple the mill with the motors - harder still if we want to avoid modifying the mill itself.


Potential conversions

Additional information


  • £50 --Teabot 08:34, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
  • £20 --Solexious 23:30, 25 July 2010 (UTC) (can increase in future)

Running total: £70