Biohacking Costing and Prices
From London Hackspace Wiki
- Autoclave strips. These supposedly tell you if the autoclaving has been done at the required conditions, unlike autoclave tape which only tells you if the temperature has been reached.
- If extractions keep failing, lets look at some extraction kits. This one recommended by Tom is ∼£100 for 100 reactions or ∼£250 for 500 extractions.
- A more consistent and effective way of crushing/homogenising small amounts of tissue for DNA extraction. Blenders are good but not for small quantities. Pestles are ok, but not great. One idea is to make a small pestle by melting a pipette tip then using a PCR tube as a mortar. Some labs use liquid nitrogen or a sonicator.
- Spectrophotometer for measuring DNA concentration. Simon and Tom are on this.
- Good microscope enabling us to see cells (Possible mag: 100x, 400x, 1000x).
- Better imaging system