London FRAGspace

From London Hackspace Wiki
Revision as of 15:25, 10 February 2014 by Velyks (talk | contribs)
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What is it?

London Fragspace is an event group for the LAN parties that are being held at the London HackSpace.

The original idea was meant to be a 24 hour Classic Gaming LAN fundraiser for London Hackspace, and we were hoping to have 30 available spaces as well as a BBQ, snacks, drinks, tournaments and Big Games with prizes and trophies.

Next Event

  • Saturday 15th March 12pm till Sunday 16th March 12pm
  • London Hack Space Classroom
  • Spaces for around 15 people
  • No entry free
  • First come, first serve


Currently on a first-come first-serve basis. May change in the future.

Previous Events

Date Name
01-JAN-2014 Dogelan


Standard Hackspace rules apply plus the following:

  • Wash before coming, just spraying deodorant won't do. If you smell you make it unpleasant for everyone and you will be asked to leave.
  • Don't abuse the network, or in any way make it unusable for other hackspace users.
  • Keep nerd rage to the non-offensive kind.
  • Headphones please! No speakers.
  • Be sensible about noise. This is still a work space.
  • Don't take up more than one table. If we have a lot showing up we may need to budge up to two per table.

Things to Bring

  • Computer/Laptop
  • All associated cables/mice/keyboards/headphones
  • 4-way power extension cable
  • Network/patch cable of sufficient length
  • Snacks and drink (there will be plenty for sale at the event too!)
  • OS disc/image and associated drivers, because if it can go wrong, it will go wrong.


The venue will be the classroom of the London Hackspace
map link

Things Still To Do!

  • Sort out network equipment
    • Sorted. 2 24port gig cisco switches borrowed from Velyks's work.
  • Organize file server
    • Sorted, Colin is a useable fileserver. Velyks is also bringing his NAS
  • Organize game files on said server

Game List

  • Unreal Tournament '99
  • Unreal Tournament 2004
  • Call of Duty: United Offensive
  • DOTA2
  • OpenArena
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Counter-strike:Source/1.6

Other Games

Add games you want to play here

Free to Play


Retro / obscure

  • Quake - custom ctf, airquake
  • Hardwar
  • Homeworld
  • I-War2? (never really got the chance to play this in MP)
  • Dungeon Keeper
  • Armegaton
  • Natural Selection 1/2
  • Sanctum 1/2
  • The Ship