Organisation/2014 Trustees Election/Candidates
Martin Clarke (Crypt)
Sam Cook (samlr)
Tom Greer (tgreer)
Matthew Israelsohn (ciborg)
Nick Large (vetraskr)
Ruben Martin (wyan)
Eugene Nadyrshin (mentar)
Lucia Naidu
Blanca Regina
Tim Reynolds (TimRTerrible)
Philip Roy (cepmender)
Henry Sands (YetiFiasco)
I'm happy with how the space is currently run and I don't see any reason to change things drastically, trustees past and present have done a fantastic job of keeping a community of over 1000 people stable and growing despite the ever present threat of drama and that’s what I’d like to continue as a trustee.
I'd like more focus on training for tooling and skills, skillsharing is one of founding Hackspace dogmas and apart from 3d printer, lathe, woodwork and laser cutter training, it's done on a very ad-hoc basis. There are many who wish to use specific tools, but can't find someone to show them the basics (the vinyl cutter for example, which is tricky to use at best). This would involve a thorough dig out of the wiki and a revamp of training articles, including tutorials and a catalogue of external resources.
Keeping the Hackspace ticking along, organizing more cool events like the open days and kicking up the activity on social media (more blog posts!) are all things I'd love to do.