London FRAGspace

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What is it?

London Fragspace is an event group for the LAN parties that are being held at the London HackSpace. This event is open to members and non-members alike.

If you are not a member and would like to attend, please email hfsands (at) with the subject "FRAGSPACE" and your name or attend the Facebook event linked below, just so we can get an idea of numbers.

Next Event

  • Facebook event
  • Sunday 5pm 3rd May till Monday 12pm (noon) 4th May (bank holiday)
  • London Hack Space Classroom
  • Spaces for around 25 people
  • No entry free
  • First come, first serve
  • Extra space in the main hall
  • Retro consoles!




Standard Hackspace rules apply plus the following:

  • Shower before attending and wear clean clothes, smelly participants will be turned away.
  • Don't abuse the network/internet or in any way make it unusable for other hackspace users.
  • Keep nerd rage to the non-offensive kind.
  • Headphones please! No speakers.
  • Be sensible about noise, this is still a work space. (joyful shouting is fine, as long as it's not constant)
  • Don't take up more than one table. If we have a lot showing up we may need to budge up to two per table.
  • Only bring 1 monitor, if you are using a laptop, either use the built in screen OR a monitor, not both.

We reserve the right to remove anyone for any reason (though we really don't want to do this!), these events are starting to get bigger and better and we can only do that if the rules are followed.


We will be running some fun tournaments/prize games this time (Prizes will be tasty)! The exact schedule has yet to be worked out, but if anyone wants to sponsor a prize game, please get in contact on our Facebook group.

This list is prone to change as different games become available

  • Unreal Tournament 4 (10min Deathmatch, top 3 places)
  • Half Life 2: Deathmatch (10min Deathmatch, top 3 places)
  • Nidhogg (Tournament, top 3 places) (You don't have to buy this, we will run it locally)
  • Soldat (10min Deathmatch, top 3 places)
  • Mario Kart 64 (Tournament, top 3 places)

Things to Bring

  • Computer/Laptop
  • All associated cables/mice/keyboards/headphones
  • 4-way power extension cable
  • Network/patch cable of sufficient length
  • Snacks and drink (Tescos nearby!)
  • OS disc/image and associated drivers, because if it can go wrong, it will go wrong.


  • Dreamcast (4 controllers)
  • Megadrive I (4 controllers)
  • N64 (4 controllers)
  • SNES (2 controllers)
  • Sega Saturn (possibly 10 player bomberman if we can source more controllers!) (2~5 controllers)
  • PS2 (4 controllers)

Games to have installed

Free to Play

Previous Events

Date Name
01-JAN-2014 Dogelan
31-DEC-2014 New Years LAN