
From London Hackspace Wiki
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Revision as of 11:06, 22 December 2015 by Kraptv (talk | contribs) (Added Dahua notes.)
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Ground floor webcam.jpg
Model Unknown
Sub-category Safety
Last updated 21 October 2021 19:04:00
Consumables Unknown
Accessories Unknown
Training requirement no
Training link Unknown
ACnode no
Owner Unknown
Origin Unknown
Location Throughout the Hackspace
Maintainers Fridgehead

This content is largely outdated but serves as a historical reference to the previous usage of cameras at the hackspace.

Webcams link for members is here.

Adopted by Tom This page is mostly dead.

The different cameras we use:

Dahua IPC-HFW4300S (Main Room & Ground Floor)

As of October 2015, the main room camera is now a 3.0 megapixel (capable) camera. These cameras have an infrared output that shows a black and white image when the lights are turned off. The Dahua was chosen for its easy integration into ZoneMinder, its impressive price-performance ratio, and simple management.

EasyN fixed (Lobby and Quiet Room)

This was removed/replaced.

Foscam pan/tilt (Workshop)

This was removed/replaced.


EasyN pan/tilt (Quiet Room/Lobby) PCI composite video capture card on Babbage (Door) not used atm

For access if you're a member, please ask on IRC.
