Stationary Dust Extractor

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Stationary Dust Extractor
Workshop Dust Extractor.jpg
Model Unknown
Sub-category Woodworking
Status Good working order
Last updated 2 September 2024 08:18:30
Training requirement no
ACnode no
Location Wood shop
Maintainers Woodshop team

The stationary dust extractor is located in the corner of the woodshop nearest to the door and is connected by ducting to many of the dusty machines in the woodshop. It is turned on and off by a green and red switch located just behind the extractor - please turn it on before using any of the connected machines e.g. planer, table saw. Remember to switch off when you are done using the equipment to save power.

For machines not connected to this extractor the Portable extractor can be used.

Collected dust is stored in the blue drum under the unit which must be emptied periodically.

Note - there are no obvious external markings as to the make/ model of this unit, hopefully that information can be found inside as and when needed