Project:LHS Graphs and Visualizations

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LHS Graphs and Visualizations

Members Elliot
QR code


I'd am supplementing the Cacti graphs that we have for LHS bandwidth and power with metrics that provide insight to the growth of our community and organisation over time.

Phase 1 is complete and we now chart the following:

  • Number of members
  • IRC activity
  • Wiki activity
  • Mailing list activity

Later I'd like to investigate:

  • Website visitors and/or page impressions
  • Space occupancy

In progress

Space occupancy

I have located two Laser Diode Retroreflective Sensors in our stores which I intend to use to monitor space occupancy by having the beams cross the main doorway. The beams will be staggered so that direction (arriving, leaving) can be determined by the order in which the beams are broken. I was thinking of mounting them at waist height.

  • This will probably get caught out by clusters of people: --
    • We only need an approximate count
    • The doorway is narrow so it's unlikely that the steps of more than one individual will overlap.
    • Most of the time people won't arrive in clusters
  • Can we detect some other event such as the door opening after a prolonged lights-out period to force the count to zero? --
    • Yes, using the door/lights data for reset would be good if we get large amounts of drift - but I don't plan to just yet
    • We could also use some kind of probabilistic model with the 'door-open' and 'bell' data

These sensors appear to be in working order. They'd should be safe to use below child-head height. They were manufactured in 1996 and use a Class II laser rated at 3mW with a wavelength of 655-670nm (datasheet).

The model number is: Q45BB6LL

WANTED: reflectors for these sensors.


Website visitors and/or page impressions

The main site and the Wiki use Google Analytics and this has an API. This documented method looks promising:


To chart the initial metrics various bits of data are exposed in a Cacti friendly way.

Number of members

COMPLETE - but may have to wait 12 months before it becomes interesting.

This data is stored in an Sqlite database on Turing. See the Schema. It can be queried like so:

 FROM users
 WHERE subscribed = true;

Cacti runs on babbage but the members database is on Turing. There is a PHP script on Turing to expose the member numbers and then a script on babbage to pull this in with a HTTP request.

This PHP generates the following output for cacti: subscribed:136 pending:2

 require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../lib/init.php'); 
 $subscribers = $db->translatedQuery( 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM users WHERE subscribed=1' )->fetchRow();
 $pending = $db->translatedQuery( 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS num FROM users WHERE subscribed=0' )->fetchRow();
 print "subscribed:{$subscribers['num']} pending:{$pending['num']}";

Perl to fetch member numbers for cacti:

 use strict;
 use LWP::Simple;
 eval {
   my $file = get("");
   print $file;
 } or do {
   print "NaN";

Wiki statistics


  • We get this using the MediaWiki API:

It returns:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>

Perl to generate the following output for cacti: pages:759 articles:215 views:229656 edits:7368 images:186 users:166 activeusers:22 admins:61 jobs:13

 use strict;
 use LWP::Simple;
 use XML::Simple;
 eval {
   my $file = get("");
   my $xs1 = XML::Simple->new();
   my $doc = $xs1->XMLin($file);
   my $first = 1;
   foreach my $key (keys (%{$doc->{query}->{statistics}})){
     if ($first eq 1) {
       $first = 0;
     } else {
       print " ";
     print $key . ":" . $doc->{query}->{statistics}->{$key};
 } or do {
   print "NaN";

IRC statistics


There is a bot (ircensus) in the #london-hack-space channel that collects data on the following:

  • Active users (/5min)
  • Number of messages (/5min)
  • Total users

This bot runs on Babbage and has an HTTP interface that outputs: london-hack-spaceMessages:5 london-hack-spaceActiveUsers:2 london-hack-spaceTotalUsers:102


Mailing list activity


  • My thanks to JamesG for his assistance and '' for the original idea. We poll and scrape the groups page for members and and message count.

This script yields: members:693 messages:3123

  PAGE=`curl -s`
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "NaN"
    exit 1;
  MEMBERS=`echo $PAGE | egrep '<b>Members:</b> [0-9]+' | perl -e '<STDIN>=~m/.*<b>Members:<\/b> ([0-9]+).*/; print "$1\n"'`
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "NaN"
    exit 1;
  MESSAGES=`echo $PAGE | egrep '>[0-9]+ of [0-9]+ messages<' | perl -e '<STDIN>=~m/.*>[0-9]+ of ([0-9]+) messages<.*/; print "$1\n"'`
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "NaN"
    exit 1;
  echo "members:"$MEMBERS" messages:"$MESSAGES