Project:UK Hack Camp/Minutes/2012-03-05
From London Hackspace Wiki
2012-03-05 21:40:14
- MK progress update
- Debden
- Infrastructure
- Funding
- Commerce
Debden offer was too expensive: £25k. I.e., our backup site is unrealistic.
MK progress update
- actual rate: £250/day (not £100 as originally noted)
- TODO: Russ/Mark need to send email: yes we want the venue
- payment modalities?
- once venue is secured: need to get quotes for misc service providers
- biggest cost/risk factor: power, Internet; Beeny has contacts
- Internet also critical selling point for tickets
- TODO: Need to get Jasper's Internet crew up and running (Jonty will nudge)
- portaloos are easier to source
Sponsorship Drive
- Russ suggests this is one of the few things we can start early, even without having venue commitment
- we won't rely on sponsors, but having one or two will make some things easier
- but: we don't have much to show atm: no previous event, many things unclear.
- Need to figure out how to approach this. Scattershot approach?
- should we prepare a price list?
- do we know any people with experience? let's build a team who can then prepare this
- TODO: Jonty to talk to his two specialists
- TODO: Russ to write a blurb
- likely that people will want to sell stuff
- where do we draw the line between hackers selling their own kits (very much encouraged) and businesses who need to pay for the privilege?
- let's check out HAR/CCC precedents
- one potential line to draw: "open source" vendors get free stalls
- one option to organise this: every stall/vendor needs to register; some people get free stalls
- but: we would prefer things to be as self-organising as possible; such centralisation works against that
- could have a big "market marquee" provided by the festival
- TODO: martind to research precedents
Food stalls?
- vendors would need a Food Hygiene Certificate (statutory requirement)
- will assemble team once venue is clear
- will issue call for talks at least 3 months in advance
- let's assemble a list of suggested topics/speakers soon
Next Steps
(copied from above)
- TODO: Russ/Mark need to send email: yes we want the venue
- TODO: Need to get Jasper's Internet crew up and running (Jonty will nudge)
- TODO: Jonty to talk to his two specialists
- TODO: Russ to write a blurb
- TODO: martind to research precedents for stalls/commerce (HAR, CCC, others?)