
From London Hackspace Wiki

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Lawyer, sketch addict, sniper, lecturer, explorer, soldier of fortune, author and recovering academic.

Actually, his real name is Chris.

  Born in deepest, darkest Central Europe at some point in the mid–1980s, Chris von Csefalvay has spent way too much time travelling the world and now hides himself in his riverside London flat with a near constant expression of ennui and a glass of something cold. Having miraculously survived a heavily German-influenced schooling with more or less of his brain intact, he went on to study law at University College, Oxford, where he surprised his teachers and peers alike with not merely graduating without getting a nervous breakdown and/or getting arrested for war crimes but also graduating top of his class with a first class degree in jurisprudence and a handful of prizes. Currently, Chris is working in the legal services industry in the City of London.


Website - [1] Google+ - [2] facebook - [[3]] e-mail - chris at chris von csefalvay dot com