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Announced as:

"We'll start planning the BSD cert stuff, so be sure to come along if you're interested. We'll go through the syllabus and work out how long we should spend on each bit based on the experience of the group that turns up."

Activities and Discussions

  • In 2008, 3 Darq employees sat the paper Beta BSDA exam at BlahCon, in Germany and got a DVD.
  • Looked at the Syllabus
  • 4 Versions of BSD covered by the exam: Dragonfly (mainly a mystery so far, except for interesting filesystem: HAMMER), NetBSD (runs on the most (awesome) different hardware architectures), OpenBSD (Security focused with controversial founder) and FreeBSD (staple of funix and darq).
  • BSD version nomenclature: difference between "release" (the one you probably should be working with as a system administrator), "stable" (in preparation to be the next release) and "current" (bleeding edge from the developers).
  • Downloaded and installed NetBSD in a virtual box session.
  • Finished about 21:00, some of us then went to the Hackspace.

Command(s) of the Week

VirtualBox? wget? md5(sum)


Download and Install all four BSD versions covered in the exam.




From a server in London:




Student Notes


  • Looking forward to hearing some, ideally contextually integrated, example questions.
  • Wondering (idly so far) if we should be using QEMU instead of virtualbox as its on the BSDA DVD.
  • Downloaded ISO's of all 4 BSD's for i386 via ftp or http. Failed to get NetBSD via Bittorrent using rtorrent (error: "Tracker: [Failure reason "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."]" )
  • created (/join) #bsda on
  • My, current, main motivations for creating these pages are: I'm considering attending dc4420 on Tuesday; I haven't installed any of the above ISO's yet; Documentation is important but hard (for me, at least) so I would like other students to contribute and reinforce the learning process on the way.


  • Installed FreeBSD a-ok
  • I get segfaults intermittently in the OpenBSD installer
  • I get Kernel: Supervisor trap page fault, code=0 for NetBSD
  • will update when solved