From London Hackspace Wiki
Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut. I work for Focusrite and Novation as an Innovation manager.
I'm passionated about music controllers, practices and performance.
Music Software
- I have started with Max/MSP and Pro Tools Free in 2001, learning electroacoustic music at the GRM.
- I can program with Pure Data, a little with SuperCollider.
My Programming Languages
- C, C++, Objective-C, but not for a living anymore
- Processing
- OpenFrameworks
- Arduino (beginner)
- Java I did a program called the Music Sketcher in Java. But the sound API is terrible.
Music Hackspace Projects I Participate In
- Augmented instruments
- Embedded Audio / audio uniware
- Collaborative music / online jamming
- OSC devices (Internet of Things)
- New machine musicianship / controllerism
I'd like to Collaborate/Give a hand with...
- Setting up the space, organising meet ups, inviting speakers
- Help others achieve great projects
My Traditional Instruments
I play these:
- Bass guitar
- Guitar
- Piano
All quite badly
Things that inspire me
- Interactive architecture
- Cinema, literature and poetry
My Websites/Projects
- SoundCloud
- Past research and software
- Twitter: