From London Hackspace Wiki
21:05 < lbdl> glen1: are you there? 21:05 < deafanon> I am glad half a bottle of mulled wine fits into this large glass here & it's kicking in just in time for this markov-bot-off 21:05 -!- kierank [u5955@gateway/web/] has joined #megawat 21:05 -!- glen1 [] has joined #megawat 21:06 -!- wat_ [] has joined #megawat 21:06 < lbdl> and the boredom induced by rain has gone away at last 21:06 <@jontyw> Right, this will get banned by google in about two minutess 21:06 < deafanon> glen1: hello 21:06 < glen1> deafanon: ?makerbot Someone needs to cook that. 21:06 < lbdl> glen1: talk to wat_ 21:06 < glen1> lbdl: I bet it's cheaper then the Internet. 21:06 -!- martind [uid37@gateway/web/] has joined #megawat 21:06 <@jontyw> glen1: GO GO GO 21:06 < glen1> jontyw: I live in a granite or pitchblend house? 21:06 <@jontyw> wat_: hello? 21:06 <@jontyw> Hmm 21:06 < wat_> jontyw, Exclusive photos and interview Cheryl opens up on her life loves and being back with the girls 21:07 <@jontyw> glen1: rarr 21:07 < glen1> jontyw: It's been to 24C3, 25C3 & HAL2005 21:07 * jontyw looks puzzled 21:07 < lbdl> wat_:glen1 21:07 < wat_> lbdl, Full resolution 1 800 1 200 pixels file size 1 21:07 < glen1> lbdl: 1.6L petrol. 21:07 <@jontyw> wat_: woot 21:07 < wat_> jontyw, If you have someone special in your life whom you love about 90 of the way this Asus laptop is the perfect gift to show how much you almost think the world of them 21:07 <@jontyw> glen1: y u no talky 21:07 < glen1> jontyw: Are any of the press drills still working? 21:08 < wat_> glen1, aden i m an idiot came in to work today and i ve got the day off 21:08 < glen1> wat_: You think I just use nohup 21:08 < wat_> glen1, JanitoVaqueiroFerreiraFilho I have to use nohup which is builtin in my linux distribution and I dont have root access to install screen Richard Oct 2 at 18 11 21:08 < glen1> wat_: The V&A is full of stuff. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, at the moment there is a exhibition of british ballgowns and hollywood costumes at the v and a museum and its great my friend and i went to the ballgowns exhibition in the morning everything from hartnell to westwood very good 21:08 < glen1> wat_: Surface prep is just the cleaning acid bath? 21:08 <@jontyw> YES 21:08 < lbdl> lol 21:08 -!- aden [] has joined #megawat 21:08 <@jontyw> Ah, wat won't reply if he can't say anything 21:08 <@jontyw> glen1: badgers 21:08 < glen1> jontyw: What parts di you want from the acid. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, just a brief update as its to uncomfortable to sit for any length of time 21:08 < glen1> wat_: We're talking about the NASA Mars lander? 21:08 < wat_> glen1, Spacecraft Monitoring Martian Dust Storm 11 21 2012 21:08 < glen1> wat_: Yes, there was this one guy Earthshine. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, For many Western men and women for that matter it is beyond unacceptable for a woman to have hairy legs or armpits it is inconceivable 21:08 < glen1> wat_: What was decided? 21:08 < wat_> glen1, Saving the Common Currency What Was Decided at the Euro Zone Crisis Summit 21:08 < glen1> wat_: I want a less lossy wasteful mothod. I don't think CO2 works if people in the face yesterday. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, While this subject is far from climatology it is near and dear to my heart and I thank you for your contribution 21:08 < glen1> wat_: Has the bay tree been watered? 21:08 < wat_> glen1, You are in Lancashire Nature Features Ask the gardener Bay trees 21:08 < glen1> wat_: Though I'm told there's a pile of muffins. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, A girl sits at a small cafe in paris nursing a cafe au lait paired with a plate of beautiful creations 21:08 < glen1> wat_: This is what you get for 16K. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, Sign in with your YouTube Account YouTube Google Gmail Orkut Picasa or Chrome to like iHearTheEcho s video 21:08 < glen1> wat_: Use fine sand paper to make a Hipsterbot. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, Market Your Company With Effective Flyer Printing Services 21:08 < glen1> wat_: There's no insulation on the print surface that could be inflated, not like the inflatable sofa, I was thinking of going back and correcting it but as it wasn't a spelling rant I couldn't be asked. 21:08 < wat_> glen1, Random Cop 1 Someone call the Avengers or somethin 21:09 < glen1> wat_: I suppose you need a small vice. 21:09 <@jontyw> And googleban 21:09 < aden> i'll see if i can find my bot 21:09 -!- kierank [u5955@gateway/web/] has left #megawat [] 21:09 < CaptainTerrible> It hit the google limit already?! 21:09 < artag> why google ? 21:09 <@jontyw> glen1: KEEP TALKING 21:09 < glen1> jontyw: I can IRC while doing any other activity. 21:09 < CaptainTerrible> artag: wat googles things 21:09 < CaptainTerrible> glen1: google? 21:09 < glen1> CaptainTerrible: Open source tee would have to be quick. 21:09 <@jontyw> wat_ googles for things, then takes the first sentence from the first result 21:09 < lbdl> aha 21:09 <@jontyw> Yeah, usage limit 21:10 < artag> wat feels lucky ? 21:10 < lbdl> distribute wat_? 21:10 < lbdl> form a few ghosts and then aggregate? 21:10 < artag> maybe wat_ needs to be introduced to ec2 21:10 <@jontyw> I enjoyed glen1 complaining about lack of insulation, and wat telling him to call the avengers 21:10 < lbdl> ugh auto correct... 21:11 < glen1> jontyw: Every time I go to the HackerSpace 21:11 < wat_> glen1, aden i m an idiot came in to work today and i ve got the day off 21:11 < glen1> wat_: Though I think I have one set of electronics there's no noticable flicker. 21:11 < lbdl> thats better 21:11 < artag> he hit the quotes page there 21:11 <@jontyw> Haha, he totally did 21:11 < CaptainTerrible> glen1: aden is here 21:11 < glen1> CaptainTerrible: or are you disposing of flaming trash? 21:11 <@jontyw> If someone can find another search engine I'll try that 21:11 < lbdl> 21:11 < lbdl> and bing 21:12 < artag> stackoverflow 21:12 <@jontyw> I wonder what their limits are like 21:12 < martind> ddg? 21:12 -!- wat_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:13 < CaptainTerrible> I can't see al imit on the ddg api page 21:13 -!- glen1 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:15 -!- marek_lastfm_ [uid4542@gateway/web/] has joined #megawat 21:15 -!- lolbot0 [] has joined #megawat 21:15 < CaptainTerrible> lolbot0: sing us the song of your people 21:15 < lolbot0> CaptainTerrible, Seems like people build the inverse of rule 0 for the agm though, normally you can have that song in our bubbles. 21:15 < CaptainTerrible> Quite. 21:15 <@jontyw> DDG api doesn't actually do search 21:15 <@jontyw> Could scrape it though 21:16 < lbdl> lolbot0: when will the rain stop? 21:16 < aden> lolbot0: what what 21:16 < lolbot0> lbdl, Contravention of rule 0, 0.07a when the rain. 21:16 < lolbot0> aden, So i can't believe with all things considered, compared to 0, 0 & 1 and 0 to 1.5gb in old street. 21:16 < lbdl> in old street is right 21:16 < srimech> lolbot0: brown 21:16 < lolbot0> srimech, Just loading the adverts gives them both to 0, 0 & 0 all equal to power solar panels in roads. 21:17 < CaptainTerrible> lolbot0: android 21:17 < lolbot0> CaptainTerrible, 0 & 0, So they have knocked up some mutated sea bass. 21:17 < aden> lolbot0: occupy 21:17 < lolbot0> aden, 0 & 0 All equal to 0.002" resolution. 21:17 < CaptainTerrible> lolbot is fond of numbers. 21:17 < lolbot0> CaptainTerrible: Is fond of numbers. If i'm remembering what tools would do. 21:17 < srimech> lolbot0: laser 21:17 < lolbot0> srimech, Thats 0.8v at 2a is 0? 21:19 < aden> lolbot0: are you broken? 21:19 < lolbot0> aden, 0 & 0, 0) Would be charging a battery either. 21:19 < aden> lolbot0 seems to like numbers too much, i should retrain him 21:19 < lolbot0> aden, But only if it's index 0, 0 & 1 and 0 to process them too? 21:20 < CaptainTerrible> lolbot0: stop it 21:20 < lolbot0> CaptainTerrible, Stop saying stop stop. 21:20 < CaptainTerrible> :( 21:20 < aden> lolbot0: rape CaptainTerrible 21:20 < lolbot0> aden, Dont thank me later on tomorrow night, for captainterrible, i have a 0.75r goes from 0 to process them too. 21:20 < CaptainTerrible> lolbot0: smoke me a kipper 21:20 < lolbot0> CaptainTerrible, Smoke me a kipper, i'll be in the space 0 days ago. 21:20 < CaptainTerrible> Haha 21:21 <@jontyw> Oh. I just had an idea. 21:21 <@jontyw> We should run a mirror hackspace channel. 21:21 <@jontyw> Populated entirely by bots trained on each of us. 21:22 -!- lolbot0 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:22 < CaptainTerrible> There we go, that can go in the barbican. Simulated London Hackspace 21:22 <@jontyw> When one of us says something in the main channel, our bot says something in the other based on what we said. Same for addressing people, 21:22 -!- donvito [] has joined #megawat 21:22 < CaptainTerrible> Oh weird 21:22 <@jontyw> So it runs at the same speed, mutating what we say 21:23 < aden> donvito: have you forgotten about numbers now? 21:23 < lbdl> good idea 21:23 < lbdl> lets procrastinate it 21:23 < aden> donvito: you suck 21:23 <@jontyw> Problem is we'd hit the IP limit, so probably easier to just have a webpage with it on. 21:25 < CaptainTerrible> Clients per IP limit? I'm sure we have enough VPS' between us 21:26 < lbdl> indeed 21:28 < artag> it could run on a private server, couldn't it ? 21:31 <@jontyw> It could, but meh 21:32 < CaptainTerrible> It'd be nice to have it on freenode. 21:38 -!- donvito [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:43 < artag> if you're going to hide #london-hack-space, maybe hack-hunters would go there instead 21:45 < CaptainTerrible> haha yes! a honeypot full of markovs 21:45 < artag> abandon hope, all ye who enter 21:45 < lbdl> yes I'd happily watch that 21:54 -!- Wiktor [] has joined #megawat 22:13 -!- solexious [~quassel@2001:ba8:1f1:f1fd:89b1:afcd:3a40:494] has joined #megawat 22:18 < artag> too late, sol. show's over 22:25 -!- marek_lastfm_ [uid4542@gateway/web/] has left #megawat [] 23:19 < solexious> what was it? 23:26 < lbdl> mrkov bot wars⦠2 bot enter one bot leave 23:26 < lbdl> a contest of wit 23:29 < srimech> and endurance 23:32 < martind> in the end the bots won and jonty had to kill them 23:33 < srimech> jontyw saved us from another robot uprising