London FRAGspace

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The basic floor plan layout for now, subject to change

Things Still To Do!

Sort out network equipment
Find more chairs
Organize a date
Buy snacks
Organize file server
Organize game files on said server

What is it?

London Fragspace is a 24 hour Classic Gaming LAN fundraiser for London Hackspace, we're hoping to have 50 available spaces as well as a BBQ, snacks, drinks, tournaments and Big Games with prizes and trophies.


Current pencil price is £10, though this is liable to change


The venue will be the classroom and main hall of the London Hackspace


As yet undecided, possible dates are: Saturdays 6th/20th July/Mid August/September sometime. Many other events involving LANs and Hackspace stuff happen around this time so its hard to fit a date in.


Rule 0: Do not be on fire.
Rule 1: Be excellent to each other.
Rule 2: Wash before coming, just spraying deodorant won't do. If you smell you make it unpleasant for everyone and you will be asked to leave.
Rule 3: No Torrenting, we are on a limited connection, having 50 people torrenting/downloading will kill our bandwidth allowance, please make sure you run all necessary steam updates at home before you come!
Rule 4: No violence or abusing behaviour, both physical or verbal, there will be a zero tolerance policy on this, any infractions will result in your banning from the event and ALL future events.
Rule 5: This is a working space, we are not the only ones using it, many people will be working on projects, please leave them be and don't touch anything unless you're invited to.
Rule 6: Observe all the Rules of the Hackspace, specifically the no sleeping rule.
Rule 7: All personal computers and equipment MUST be removed by 8pm Sunday.
Rule 8: Tidy up after yourself and report any spills or breakages so they can be mopped up.
Rule 9: Headphones Only! No speakers allowed.
Rule 10: All monitors must be flatscreen and no bigger than 24" due to table size constraints, sorry retro crt fans.

Things to Bring

  • Computer/Laptop
  • All associated cables/mice/keyboards/headphones
  • 4-way power cable
  • Network/patch cable of sufficient length
  • Snacks and drink (there will be plenty for sale at the event too!)
  • OS disc/image and associated drivers, because if it can go wrong, it will go wrong.

Tournament/Big Game List

Free to Play


  • Minecraft - Competitive mod modes such as Hunger Games Survival
  • Unreal Tournament '99
  • Unreal Tournament 2004
  • Call of Duty: United Offensive
  • DOTA
  • DOTA2 (try nab a free copy from the DOTA2 bot)
  • Supreme Commander
  • Warcraft 3
  • AND MANY MORE!(Feel free to add more if the games are easily available)


TBD, will probably be done through paypal, spaces 1-8, 29-30, 39-42 will be primarily reserved for those with desktops as they will be closes to the switch.