Equipment/Knitting Machine/Logbook

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Y = yellow end (left). Looking down at the main bed there are numbers under the needles. They're yellow coloured counting left from 0 in the centre.

G = green end (right). Looking down at the main bed there are numbers under the needles. They're green coloured counting right from 0 in the centre.


26/10/2013 note by Solexious

Replaced needle Y18 as hood wasn't able to lay flat backwards without jamming. Replaced with end needle as couldn't locate fresh spares. Do we have any? If not can order from bsk in my next order to replace all missing ones.

28/10/2013 note by chixor

Replaced needles Y3 and Y4 with two on the end as one of these hoods kept getting caught under the hook. After taking the knitting off the machine we couldn't ascertain which of the two was the culprit so placed them both back at the Y end for testing.

Also noticed one needle on the G end is bent, it should be removed.

Upon investigation, discovered our collection of spare needles in the crate are very rusty. Need to go at them with car polish and/or buy better ones (which ever is cheaper).

Also found the main bed tension unit in the ribber box but the plastic clip that holds it to the tension mast is broken (currently living loose in the crate). We're currently using a tension unit for the colour changer, they are a somewhat different. Need to either print or buy a replacement plastic clip.

Shopping List 29/10/2013

  • plastic clip to hold the main bed tension unit (currently living in the ribber box) onto the tension mast. The broken plastic clip is loose in the crate.
  • enough fresh spare needles to fill the main bed again.
  • car polish to have a go at the rusty spare needles.
  • replacement mylar sheet pen
  • new mylar sheets