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Revision as of 20:24, 29 April 2014 by JasperWallace (talk | contribs) (About the PSU's from the hitachi disk shelves)
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We have 12(?) 75A @ 12V power supplies that came from a rackmount Hitachi RAID array thingy.

We don't currently know how to get them to switch on!

This page documents what we know about these systems.

Looking at the back of the PSU, with connectors at the bottom, looking from the back, from left to right, labeled on the PCB:


each connector is 6 pins, pin 1 is top right, 2 is bottom right:

5 3 1
6 4 2

I may have 3 and 4 confused on some connectors!

[A] almost certainly gnd (also present on the black wire on the fans), these pins are a bit longer and so make contact first.
[B] probably +12V ~270ohms to B


1       medium [A]
2       medium *
3       thin *
4       thin *
5       thin *
6       [A]


1       [A]
2       [B]
3       [B]
4       [B]
5       [B]
6       [A]


1       [A]
2       via cap to A -> ? *
3       [A]
4       alpa 0
5       alpa 1
6       [A]


1       [A]
2       [B]
3       [B]
4       [B]
5       [B]
6       [A]


1       [A]
2       thin -> dip 1 (dku id) 
3       thin -> dip 2 (box id-0)
4       thin -> dip 3 (box id-1)
5       -> diode resistery stuffs *
6       [A]

* these pins need further investigation.

mini board

This is the little pcb at the back of the psu's with the 2 led's, a switch, and 5 dip switches on it.

brown           dip 1 (dku id)   -> J05 2
red             dip 2 (box id-0) -> J05 3
orange          dip 3 (box id-1) -> J05 4
yellow          dip 4 (alpa-0)
blue            dip 5 (alpa-1)
purple          dip common [A]
grey            sw 1 
white           sw ?
black           green led A
brown           green led K
red             orange led A
orange          orange led K